Spieletipps: Cheats zu Saints Row: The Third

Alle Cheats

Im Cheat Menü eingeben.

Sonstige Cheats:

fryhole - Tote fliegen hoch.
pissofpigs - Polizeibekanntheit steigt
lolz - Bandenbekanntheit steigt
cheese - Geld $$$
whatitmeanstome - Respekt steigt
runfast - Unendlich laufen
goodygoody - Polizeibekanntheit sinkt
oops - Bandenbekanntheit sinkt

clearskies - Wetter Cheat
heavyrain - Wetter Cheat
lightrain - Wetter Cheat
overcast - Wetter Cheat
dui - Besoffene Passanten
vroom - Unzerstörbare Autos
isquishyou - Chaos Stadt
notrated - Feinde explodieren
brains - Passanten werden zu Zombies
mascot - Passanten werden zu Maskottchen
hohoho - Passanten werden zu Pimp und Gimp
goldengun - Goldene Waffe
letsrock - Alle Waffen auf höchster Stufe

Fahrzeug Cheats:

Bei den Fahrzeugen ist es ganz einfach, ihr gibt einfach "GIVE" und dann den Auto Namen ein z.B "GIVEKANADA"

Hier eine Liste die ich kopiert habe dort sind alle Fahrzeuge aufgelistet.

giveambulance - Give Ambulance - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

giveanchor - Give Anchor - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
giveattrazione - Give Attrazione - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givebootlegger - Give Bootlegger - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givepeacemaker - Give Peacemaker - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givepheonix - Give pheonix - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givequasar - Give Quasar - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givemunicipal - Give Municipal - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givetaxi - Give Taxi - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givetitan - Give Titan - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givevortex - Give Vortex - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givemiami - Give Miami - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
giveshark - Give Shark - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givekanada - Give Kanada - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givekenshin - Give Kenshin - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givesandstorm - Give Sandstorm - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givewidowmaker - Give Widowmaker - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givetornado - Give Tornado - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givevulture - Give Vulture - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
giveeagle - Give Eagle - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givecommander - Give Commander - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givewoodpecker - Give Woodpecker - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givevtol - Give VTOL - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givecondor - Give Condor - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givespectre - Give Spectre - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givenforcer - Give Nforcer - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
giveknoxville - Give Knoxville - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givetoad - Give Toad - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
giveestrada - Give Estrada - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givechallenger - Give Challenger - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givegatmobile - Give Gatmobile - Puts this vehicle into your garage.
givestatusquo - Give Status Quo - Puts this vehicle into your garage.

Waffen Cheats:

Bei den Waffen ist ähnlich wie bei den Fahrzeugen.

giverpg - Give RPG Launcher - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givesatchel - Give Satchel Charges - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givekobra - Give KA-1 Kobra - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givesheperd - Give 45 Sheperd - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givekrukov - Give K-8 Krukov - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givear55 - Give AR 55 - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveslm8 - Give Viper Laser Rifle - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givedigger - Give Grave Digger - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveultimax - Give AS3 Ultimax - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givehammer - Give S3X Hammer - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveblossom - Give D4TH Blossom - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givetek - Give TEK Z-10 - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givecybersmg - Give Cyber Blaster - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givecyber - Give Cyber Buster - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givesniper - Give McManus 2015 - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givecgun - Give RC Possesor - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givedrone - Give Reaper Drone - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveairstrike - Give SA-3 Airstrike - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givesonic - Give Sonic Boom - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveflamethrower - Give Flamethrower - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveminigun - Give Mini Gun - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giverocket - Give Shock Hammer - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givelauncher - Give M2 Grenade Launcher - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveshield - Give Riot Shield - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givebaseball - Give Baseball Bat - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givedildo - Give The Penetrator - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givechainsaw - Give Chainsaw - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveapoca - Give Apocafist - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givesword - Give Nocturne - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givestungun - Give Stun Gun - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveflashbang - Give Flash Bang - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givegrenade - Give Grenade - Puts this weapon to your garage.
givemolotov - Give Molotov - Puts this weapon to your garage.
giveelectric - Give Electric Grenade - Puts this weapon to your garage.

Eingesendet von MertrixXx, vielen Dank.


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