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Vollversion des 2D-Multiplayer-Actionspiels Soldat v1.6.2 (Screenshots). Mit einem großen Arsenal an Feuerwaffen bekämpfen sich kleine Pixelsoldaten aus der 2D-Sicht (vergleichbar mit Worms).

Soldat ist ein einzigartiges 2D Action-Spiel. Es vereint das Beste aus Spielen wie Liero, Worms, Beben und Counter-Strike und gibt dir schnelles Action-Gameplay zusammen mit Tonnen von Blut und Gedärmen. Soldaten kämpfen gegeneinander auf 2D Kampfarenen, wobei sie ein tödliches militärisches Waffenarsenal benutzen. Das ist, wofür Multiplayer erfunden wurde.

Die wichtigsten Merkmale :

- Kostenlos und frei Spielbar
- Spielumgebung basiert auf realen physikalischen Regeln
- Über 18 verfügbare Waffen wie MP5, Ak-74, M79, M249 Minimi, Barret M82A1, XM214 Minigun
- Multiplayerspiel über Internet oder LAN
- Intelligente Bots
- 7 Spielmodi: Deathmatch, Pointmatch, Teammatch, Rambomatch, Capture the Flag, Infiltration und Hold the Flag
- Über 60 verschiedene Karten
- Editor: Soldat Map Maker und Interface Maker
- Lobby Server und dedizierter Server für Windows und Linux
- Riesige Community die für zusätzliche Maps, Mods und Tools sorgt

Changes 1.4.2 - 1.5:
- Added CTF Maps: ctf_Blade, ctf_Hormone, ctf_IceBeam, ctf_MFM2, ctf_Raspberry, ctf_Rotten, ctf_X, ctf_Guardian
- Added DM Maps: Aero, CrackedBoot, Unlim
- Added INF Maps: inf_Biologic, inf_Rise, inf_Rescue
- Added HTF Maps: htf_Niall, htf_Star, htf_Vortex
- Added Ban Reason + Duration displayed above Join Game button.
- Added volume can be adjusted ingame by pressing Shift and +/- (increase/decrease).
- Added '/mute all' can be used to mute all players. Type '/mute all' again to unmute all.
- Added current computer time is displayed under map timeleft in F1 menu
- Added completely new File Downloading code
- Added text can be pasted using ctrl+v in chat input
- Added last line in console is displayed in join game tab when you get kicked (Last 2 lines if BattlEye kick)
- Added players head explodes sometimes(50% chance) if killed by a headshot from Barrett/Ruger (Bloooood!).
- Added players invulnerable to damage from Flamegod now spout out tiny flames
- Added ActionSnap feature - Press F5 after Killing/Dying and you can view+save that special moment! (Disabled in 16bit Bitrate)
- Added current demo filename is displayed at the bottom center of the frags menu (F1)
- Added number of Flag captures to the frags menu next to a player's name (F1)
- Added TeamSpeak2 Integration. An icon will display above players who speak and are on the same Teamspeak server as you.
   (NOTE: You still need to have Teamspeak running in the background).
- Added Animated GIF Scenery (You can disable the animations by unchecking 'Animated Scenery' in Config.exe)
- Added Lobby Chat. Click the 'Chat' tab next to Join Game to participate. Various options can be found in /Txt/chat.ini
- Added Ingame Radio Commands! If in CTF, INF, or HTF you can issue Voice Radio commands to your teammates! Default Key: V
   (Dont stress! The Voices are pre-recorded and found in /Sfx/radio/)
- Added Checkbox to start Soldat after exiting the Config.exe program
- Added Mouse Sensitivity can be adjusted ingame by pressing Ctrl Alt and +/- (increase/decrease).
- Added " has dropped the Red/Blue Flag" to the console. If the player that died with the flag is on your team, there will be a Big Text message, and a warning sound will play.

- Modified pressing enter while in the IP/Port/Pass textbox now requests the server
- Modified Spectators Interface now displays stats for the current player being watched. (Ammo/health etc)
   Servers can disable this option by setting Advanced_Spectate=0 in server.ini
- Modified Join Game button is disabled for 1 second after clicking to prevent flooding.
- Modified players dont get binked by team mates bullets if Friendly Fire is disabled (Explosions will still bink)
- Modified Soldat now uses FMOD Version 3.75
- Modified Players no longer gain 20 points when they Capture the Flag

- Fixed various annoyances regarding Forward Join popup.
- Fixed cmd menu appearing for players with / at start of their name
- Fixed changing team from Spectator during pause will correctly repause the game
- Fixed Access Violation when adding too many bots
- Fixed 'Bot Team' frame not appearing when restarting Soldat
- Fixed players who join as spectator are unable to select Change Team menu
- Fixed massive FPS lag when players catch fire
- Fixed Spas-12 reload cancelling when rolling forwards/backwards
- Fixed CTF Maps: ctf_Nuubia, ctf_Laos, ctf_Division, ctf_Dropdown2, ctf_Voland, ctf_Viet, ctf_B2b, ctf_Snakebite, ctf_Kampf, ctf_Maya, ctf_Run
- Fixed AutoDemo only working once
- Fixed Grenades/Bullets not appearing on screen in realistic mode when owner is behind a polygon
- Fixed player indicator showing during spawn while Player_Indicator=0
- Fixed Explosions that are in your Line of Sight not appearing when the attacker is not in sight
- Fixed Bullets in Realistic mode now have dynamic visibility
- Fixed various "%s" formatting errors in some strings
- Fixed Corrupt Weapon Mod bug
- Fixed RM servers using default Realistic Weapon Mod appearing as Custom
- Fixed 'C' 'V' error message dialog. Now displays the intended error message
- Fixed Weapon/Flag Random Drop bug

Änderungen 1.4.1 - 1.4.2:
- Hinzugefügt: Neue DM Karte Veoto, neue INF Karten inf_Industrial, inf_Argy, entfernt ctf_Conquest
- Hinzugefügt kompatibilität für weaponmodifikationen vor Version 1.4
- Hinzugefügt: Kugeln von Spielern mit hohem Ping werden passend gezeichnet
- Hinzugefügt: Joinen über Url mit Passwort: soldat://IP:PORT/PASSWORD/
- Hinzugefügt: nahtlose Server Support (wechseln von Servern im Spiel durch Server)
- Verändert: Die meisten Karten wurden gefixt und verbessert von Keron Cyst
- Verändert: htf_Void wurde um über 90 Grad gedreht
- Verändert: Log und Screenshot namensgebung
(Erste Datei endet mit Datum und "01", Zweite mit "02" ...)
- Behoben: Extremes verziehen Spieler bei normalem Ping
- Behoben: Zeit läuft weiter bei Pausierten Spiel
- Behoben: Auto-Updater Bug
- Behoben: Messer konnte geworfen werden während Unsterblichkeit nach dem Respawn
- Behoben: Respawn in Mitten der Map
- Behoben: Vista BattlEye Fehler wenn Installiert unter "Programme"


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