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Angroth schrieb am
leute wie schorly, basti oder slamraptor die sich in diesem thread diesbezüglich geäußert haben ;)
Arkune schrieb am
Angroth hat geschrieben:für alle, die immer sagen die call of juarez grafikengine wär nicht optimiert, und das auch bei vielen anderen games gerne sagen wenn es nicht so läuft wie man es gern hätte (dazu zähle ich mich auch, bis ich das folgende gelesen habe):
"The Game Engine Isn't Optimized!
Many people are saying that the Call of Juarez game engine "isn't optimized". This gives me a great sense of deja vu. From Far Cry to FEAR to Battlefield 2 to Oblivion - and now to Call of Juarez: each time a strenuous game comes out a range of people proclaim that the engine is "badly coded" and it needs to be "optimized". Several people go so far as to suggest that a patch will (or must!) come out to fix this terrible coding. Well unfortunately all indications are that, just like the other games listed above, Call of Juarez is no less optimized and no more likely to improve significantly in performance over the course of its life. I'm not saying Call of Juarez is the most superbly coded game ever presented, nor that it will never improve, but the simple fact of the matter is that it is a next-generation game, whether you believe it looks like it is or not. Let's quickly examine the reasons why I believe that.
For starters the game is based on the third iteration of the well-established Chrome Engine which came out in 2003. If you look at this article from back then you will see that even 3 years ago the engine was quite advanced and capable of spectacular expansive outdoor environments, cool effects and high polygon counts. The engine has had plenty of time to mature, so it is not a new or suboptimal engine. The version number on the demo screen for Call of Juarez shows version 0.9, indicating that this build of the game is not some early alpha or beta build. If we look at what Call of Juarez does, the reason why it is so strenuous starts to become apparent.
The game makes extensive use of shaders to create realistic lighting and surface effects. As we've seen in the...
ChrisMK72 schrieb am
Danke Dir. Ich hab mir tatsächlich alles durchgelesen und weiß jetzt auch warum die Ladezeiten beim Starten eines Levels so lang sind. Ist mir aber lieber so, als wenn er ständig im Spiel nachläd.
Und was die Shader angeht ... mit meinen Einstellungen läuft´s eh flüssig bei mir ;-)
Angroth schrieb am
für alle, die immer sagen die call of juarez grafikengine wär nicht optimiert, und das auch bei vielen anderen games gerne sagen wenn es nicht so läuft wie man es gern hätte (dazu zähle ich mich auch, bis ich das folgende gelesen habe):
"The Game Engine Isn't Optimized!
Many people are saying that the Call of Juarez game engine "isn't optimized". This gives me a great sense of deja vu. From Far Cry to FEAR to Battlefield 2 to Oblivion - and now to Call of Juarez: each time a strenuous game comes out a range of people proclaim that the engine is "badly coded" and it needs to be "optimized". Several people go so far as to suggest that a patch will (or must!) come out to fix this terrible coding. Well unfortunately all indications are that, just like the other games listed above, Call of Juarez is no less optimized and no more likely to improve significantly in performance over the course of its life. I'm not saying Call of Juarez is the most superbly coded game ever presented, nor that it will never improve, but the simple fact of the matter is that it is a next-generation game, whether you believe it looks like it is or not. Let's quickly examine the reasons why I believe that.
For starters the game is based on the third iteration of the well-established Chrome Engine which came out in 2003. If you look at this article from back then you will see that even 3 years ago the engine was quite advanced and capable of spectacular expansive outdoor environments, cool effects and high polygon counts. The engine has had plenty of time to mature, so it is not a new or suboptimal engine. The version number on the demo screen for Call of Juarez shows version 0.9, indicating that this build of the game is not some early alpha or beta build. If we look at what Call of Juarez does, the reason why it is so strenuous starts to become apparent.
The game makes extensive use of shaders to create realistic lighting and surface effects. As we've seen in the Advanced Tweaking section there...
schrieb am

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