von Marcel Kleffmann,

Hinterland - Erstes Content-Update

Das erste kostenlose "Content-Update" für Hinterland wurde veröffentlicht und wird runtergeladen, sobald ihr Steam neu startet. Das Update bringt zwei weitere Charakter-Klassen mit sich und fügt diverse neue Gegenstände hinzu. Darüber hinaus gibt es neues Info-Fenster und Waren können fortan auch eingekauft werden. Außerdem gibt es das Spiel jetzt in französischer, deutscher und spanischer Sprache.

New Features

  • Added the Dwarf Warrior and Elf Archer character classes
  • New, multi-language version supports English, French, German and Spanish
  • Added an Info Screen (town info, lord's abilities, manor upgrade, town upgrades), available by clicking on your lord's portrait or home
  • Resources can be purchased (dig well, import iron, etc.) from the info screen
  • Lord abilities now show in the lord's profession icon tooltip
  • More ability choices with leveling (based on class, e.g. strong fighters have more combat-related choices, while strong administrators have more town-related choices)
  • Followers can be set to auto-equip from the town inventory
  • Button added to quickly sort inventory by item type, quality, and power
  • Follower Roster now sorted by profession
  • New, rare, creature-specific drops which give permanent bonuses

Bug Fixes

  • Dwarf characters no longer always the redheaded dwarf
  • Hammers now give the crafting bonus to Craftsmen
  • Particle effect for the Exceptional Long Sword no longer be large blocks
  • Fixed a bug with foreign language OS users that caused problems creating saves and starting games
  • Loading a new game after exiting a completed game no longer shows Days Left

Balance Changes

  • Hard difficulty level adjusted
  • Additional starting resources on the Easy difficulty level
  • Medium to late-game civilian items now drop later in the game
  • Added additional blood to critical hits
  • Added a camera shake when the player gets critically hit

Chris Beatrice, Tilted Mill's president, had this to say: "Given all the interest and attention the title has received, and the great feedback we''ve gotten from the fan community, we wanted to demonstrate both our intention to continue supporting and developing the title, but perhaps more importantly our ability to respond quickly and appropriately to input from players. Developing the title initially was very much an iterative process, and now that process has been broadened to include the fan community as a whole. It's really great to be part of that."


roman2 schrieb am
Wow, die scheinen sich ja echt mit den Reviews beschaeftigt zu haben. Zumindest scheinen ja einige der Kritikpunkte im 4players Review durch das update ausgemerzt worden zu sein
schrieb am