von Marcel Kleffmann,

Battlefield 3: PC-Patch ist verfügbar

Battlefield 3 (Shooter) von Electronic Arts
Battlefield 3 (Shooter) von Electronic Arts - Bildquelle: Electronic Arts
Der vor einigen Wochen angekündigte große Patch (wir berichteten) für Battlefield 3 (ab 5,61€ bei kaufen) ist heute auch für PC veröffentlicht worden. Das knapp 1,6 GB große Update verbessert die Stablität und die Balance des Actionspiels - die Entwickler meinen ebenfalls, dass das Spiel nun wesentlich 'fairer' sei. Neben Verbesserungen bei der "Commo Rose" gibt es außerdem alternative Anzeigemodi für die Minimap (Bilder) und das Fliegen von Helikoptern soll fortan mehr Belohnungen mit sich bringen.

"This update sees a number of improvements to the commo rose on PC, partially based on feedback from the community. Some of the tweaks we have made are detailed below:

New global call-outs
We have added a number of new commo rose call-outs that you can make to the entire team whenever you want. Where you previously had to look at a Support player to get the option to request ammo, you can now use the commo rose at any time to request ammo, health, or repairs. Using these requests will trigger appropriate icons on the minimap.

Moved orders to commo rose
We moved orders so that they are now exclusive to the commo rose. This means that you will no longer accidentally place an order when you in reality wanted to spot an enemy standing near a flag, for example.

Improved mouse handling
The mouse movement is now always tracked from the center of the commo rose, to make navigation more intuitive.

Quicker activation
You now activate a call-out simply by releasing Q, which should be snappier than the previous implementation.

Improved readability
We tweaked the layout and design of the commo rose to improve readability and give clearer and quicker confirmation of which call-out is currently highlighted.

Look for these flashing icons on the mini map. They mean your team mates are trying to tell you something!

The available call-outs in the commo rose is context sensitive and will change depending on what you are currently doing in the game – for example, vehicles and infantry each have separate call-outs. Each function should trigger appropriate voice messages as well as icons on the minimap for increased team play possibilities. Players should keep an eye on the minimap for these icons. If you see them flashing, a team mate is requesting aid via the commo rose.

Improved minimap
After listening to community feedback, we have implemented alternative new ways to display the minimap. You can now choose between Map, Satellite or Hybrid view mode.

Map mode shows the most important tactical geometries such as buildings, objects, roads and water.

Satellite mode displays a top-down photograph of the level for increased terrain detail.

Hybrid mode combines the Satellite view with a Map overlay, offering a mix of quick tactical awareness and terrain detail.

You can change the minimap mode on the fly by pressing [B] (this key is mappable). You can set your preferred default map mode in the Options menu, where you can also alter the opacity level for the satellite textures. See below for an example of how these map displays compare.

Select the minimap display that suits your map and play style.

Beep beep! We have horns!
Yes! We have added horns to all jeeps in the game! Nothing says “Get in and man the machine gun so we can take back the airfield!” like three short beeps of the horn. Just press [SPACE] to make your presence known to friendly forces. Warning: Beeping also heard by opposition. Suggest limiting beeping when in enemy territory to keep vehicle in working order. This feature is also present in the PlayStation 3 update that went live yesterday (activated by L1).

Giving all players IR flares
To balance the battlefield and give budding pilots a fighting chance from day 1, we are now giving IR flares to all players. These will be automatically available to you in all air vehicles in the game. So if you’ve had a hard time staying up in the air previously, it should be easier to dodge incoming threats from now on. We hope this small but significant change will mean more players take to the skies and mix up their play style. This feature is also present in the PlayStation 3 update that went live yesterday.

More awards for skillful heli flying
One of the balancing items we have done in this game update is to better reward skillful heli pilots. To do this, we have increased the pilot’s score for transporting passengers who make kills from the heli. The assist score for heli pilots is now 50 points/kill. In a fully loaded transport, four passengers who make 1 kill each will give the pilot a sum total of 200 points. This balancing change is also present in the PlayStation 3 update that went live yesterday.

Making the SOFLAM a passive income gadget
The Recon gadget SOFLAM (laser target painter) has been given a new feature. Now, when a Recon player places it and then leaves it, it will continue to paint targets entering its area of control, continuously giving the Recon player a passive points income. This means a Recon player can place a SOFLAM in a strategic position, then leave it to find a good sniping spot. Combined with fixing a few scoring error in the SOFLAM, it should now be a much more viable source of experience points for Recons. This balancing change is also present in the PlayStation 3 update that went live yesterday.

Suppressing is team play, too!
Another balancing change that reflects how we want every player to be able to contribute to the overall effort is the lowered threshold for achieving the Suppression Ribbon. From a previous requirement of 7, players now only need to perform 3 suppressions in a game to be rewarded the Suppression Ribbon. This means the Support Kit player can rack up scores by skillful use of his LMG. We’ve always know suppression helps  – now we are more generously rewarding those team players who help disorient the enemy so we can move in for the kill. This balancing change is also present in the PlayStation 3 update that went live yesterday."
Quelle: DICE und EA


VirusTI schrieb am
die-wc-ente hat geschrieben:
VirusTI hat geschrieben:Spielt das überhaupt noch einer?^^und ein neuer Netcode wäre schön gewesen, was gibt es stattdessen?...genau Hupen für dieFahrzeuge lol
Hupen für die Fahrzeuge? Sei doch froh das das nicht als DLC verkauft wird. :D

Psst!Electronic Amateurs lesen mit! ;)
Varothen schrieb am
ich werds bald regelmässig zocken, habs seit 3 tagen hier rum liegen, wart nur noch auf die neue 5.1 anlage und dann gehts ab :-D
JunkieXXL schrieb am
VirusTI hat geschrieben:Spielt das überhaupt noch einer?^^
Ich spiels jeden Tag. Macht einfach voll Bock.
DaveTheBorrow schrieb am
Sooo bin grad am Laden, mal sehen was der Patch so bringt, ich freu mich iwie voll auf die Hupen der Autos :D
Aber BC2 wird auch noch mal gleich gezockt, wegen DIESEM Video, dass hat wieder richtig Bock auf das Game gemacht :D
Ach ja, ich finde BF3 ist ein ordentliches Spiel, den SP hab ich nur kurz nur angezockt, der MP rockt aber wie ich finde übelst ^^ - vorallem wenn man mit Kumpeln zusammenzockt, dann sind die gegner schneller platt als sie schießen können ^^.
Und auch wenn man mal verliert ist es nicht so schlimm ;)
Das finde ich bei BF besser als bei CoD, bei BF kann man auch "GG" sagen wenn man verloren hat, bei CoD raged man nur meist ab ^^.
Landungsbrücken schrieb am
ph0en1xs hat geschrieben:
Landungsbrücken hat geschrieben: Oh mein gott, die Entwickler sind auf die Wünsche der Fans eingegangen. Wie konnten sie nur :roll:
auch einer ders nicht checkt
Warum sollte ich es nicht checken? Die meisten leute wollten es anscheinend so (Ich gehöre auch dazu). Also was regst du dich so darüber auf, dass die Community (ich lasse deine Anführungszeichen bewusst weg, denn ich weiß worauf du hinaus willst, aber das halte ich für Schwachsinn) gedrückt hat und DICE dem nachgegeben hat?
schrieb am
Battlefield 3
ab 5,61€ bei