von Marcel Kleffmann,

The Witcher 2: Patch 1.3 vorgestellt

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Rollenspiel) von Namco Bandai
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Rollenspiel) von Namco Bandai - Bildquelle: Namco Bandai
Trotz der jüngsten Klage von Namco Bandai (wir berichteten) haben die Witcher 2-Entwickler offenbar einen kühlen Kopf bewahrt und erstmal bekannt gegeben, welche Veränderungen und Verbesserungen mit dem Patch 1.3 vorgenommen werden sollen.

Das Update wird eine neue Quest (DLC: A Sackful of Fluff) zu Kapitel 2 hinzufügen und man soll Gegenstände bei Gastwirten in einer Art Schatzkiste/Item-Bank platzieren können. Des Weiteren soll die neue Junk-Kategorie für mehr Übersicht bei den Gegenständen sorgen. Einen konkreten Termin für die Patch-Veröffentlichung haben die Entwickler noch nicht genannt, aber es soll noch einige Zeit dauern.

1. New FREE DLC - "A Sackful of Fluff" is a new quest in Chapter 2 of the game. To start the quest, visit the eccentric Elthon, who inhabits a solitary hut near the quarry outside Vergen. The quest will prove most rewarding to those who demonstrate patience.
2. Game now supports 4:3, 5:4, 16:10 aspect ratios.
3. Item storage has been added. Players can now store items from their Inventory at inns. To leave items in storage or collect previously stored items, talk to innkeepers.
4. A "Junk" panel has been added to Inventory to provide greater clarity in item classification.
5. New menu option added in "Extras" - enables players to view in-game animated sequences (flashbacks, memory flashes, dreams stolen by harpies) outside of the game.
6. A "Quickload" option has been added under the F9 key.
7. The game's HUD can now be hidden in order to produce HUD-free screenshots! On newly installed game copies, the option to hide/show the HUD is available by default under the 'H' key. Users who have modified the key assignments on their installations should go to the 'Input Settings' dialogue of the Witcher 2 Configuration Tool to assign a key to this option. Please note that the game cannot be played with the HUD hidden.
8. Issue involving the game not running at 2560x1440 resolution has been resolved.
9. Issues with nVidia 3D Vision technology have been resolved. Players no longer need to uninstall the related drivers.
10. Key bindings have been corrected to enable configuration of mouse buttons for use by left-handed players.
11. Assorted key binding options have been added to facilitate configuration of controls and quick access to various in-game panels.
12. Issue related to game settings being reset to defaults upon patch installation has been resolved. Patches no longer reset game settings.
13. The configuration file is no longer over-written when the launcher/configuration tool is patched and over-written.
14. The launcher now closes while the game is being patched, thus eliminating the resulting game patching error.
15. The launcher now closes completely and no longer continues to operate in the background.
16. "Installed game version is invalid or incomplete" error in updater when free space on system drive is insufficient - message has been corrected to reflect more accurately the nature of the error.
17. Mutagens are now alchemy ingredients. Minor mutagens drop more frequently than do major mutagens, though the overall mutagen drop rate has been reduced.
18. Corrections have been made in the mutagen drop rate and in Thorak's store.
19. "Dragon" section of Prologue does not become available until after all assault-related sections have been completed, thereby softening the difficulty curve at the start of the game.
20. During the fight against the kayran, when the bridge collapses, a map pin appears at the end of the bridge to facilitate player navigation and quest completion.
21. Map pins have been corrected in many quests.
22. Quen Sign slightly de-buffed - Sign dissipates 20% faster after foes land a blow. Assorted minor balance issues related to this Sign have also been resolved.
23. Issue with Dragon's Dream bombs has been resolved. Damage to bosses from cast daggers has been reduced by one-half.
24. Several optimization improvements have been made in the tavern in Vergen.
25. Problem with music accompanying „stealth" sequences has been resolved.
26. Issue related to arm wrestling Bart Bargee has been resolved. Players can no longer win coin from this character endlessly.
27. Option to fist fight woman praying at a statue in Vergen has been deactivated.
28. Mini-game contestants at one of the in-game taverns now switch positions correctly without blocking one another.
29. Problem involving Fenn's sword in combat has been resolved.
30. Problems with herbalist's gloves have been resolved.
31. In the Prologue, Geralt retains his steel long sword throughout, i.e., he is no longer automatically equipped with his default sword for the Assault' sequence.
32. Problem with some nekkers being immortal has been resolved. 33. Issue with triggered black screens blocking game progress has been resolved.
34. Interactions no longer appear on nekker nests after these have been destroyed.
35. The "Scent of Incense" quest no longer shows up as failed after being completed successfully. 36. Sudden switch to gameplay just prior to cut scene involving Cynthia and Philippa has been eliminated. 37. Triss, Roche and Iorveth are now de-spawned before the final credits roll.
38. Guard pacing cycles have been corrected.
39. The Redanian messenger in Henselt's tent can no longer be killed, preventing him from re-spawning.
40. Elf woman in Vergen no longer strikes a T-pose.
41. Rotfiends feeding on corpses no longer re-spawn after corpse is burned.
42. Several fixes have been made in the functioning of in-game populaces.
43. Numerous problems with cameras in dialogue sequences have been resolved.
44. Assorted corrections have been made in dialogue sequences (including King Foltest's gestures on the town walls in the Prologue).
45. A progression break in the "In the Claws of Madness" quest has been eliminated.
Quelle: CD Project


PanzerGrenadiere schrieb am
Glun hat geschrieben:Wollte nur denen die auf den Patch warten mitteilen das er nun auf der offiziellen Homepage zur verfügung steht ;)
Sambrog schrieb am
Wollte nur denen die auf den Patch warten mitteilen das er nun auf der offiziellen Homepage zur verfügung steht ;)
Jimbei schrieb am
Oder gleich auf die Enhanced Edition. :wink: Nein, ernsthaft, ohne das Spiel schlechtmachen zu wollen. Als Spätstarter hat man irgendwie die besten Voraussetzungen, wie mir scheint.
Brakiri schrieb am
Hehe..hat sich das Warten mit dem Kauf gelohnt. Noch den 1.3er Patch abwarten, und dann kann man wohl endlich zuschlagen :)
Sid6581 schrieb am
Armoran hat geschrieben:Mehr als du denkst... ich kenne einige die haben das Spiel bei sich liegen, wollen es spielen, aber haben es trotzdem nicht angerührt weil sie auf die für RPGs normalen 3-4 Patches gewartet haben bzw warten.
Bei mir inzwischen gang und gäbe, ich warte nach Release jedes RPG mindestens 2 Monate, leider ist diese Zeit bei praktisch allen Entwicklern angemessen (Piranha Bytes, Bethesda, Reality Pump, Obsidian, CD Project). Bei Strategiespielen von Creative Assembly und Firaxis sind es mindestens 6 Monate. Und selbst bei Shootern lohnt es sich ja inzwischen, etwas Geduld zu haben, siehe Crysis 2.
schrieb am