Killzone 3
03.09.2011 10:00, Marcel Kleffmann

Patch 1.12 am 6. September

Am 6. September (Dienstag) soll der Patch 1.12 für Killzone 3 (ab 11,99€ bei kaufen) veröffentlicht werden. Das Update wird einige Balance-Anpassungen vornehmen (u.a. die Stärke der Geschütztürme verbessern) und "Sixaxis-only Aktionen" können im Menü deaktiviert werden.


  • Changed Marksman’s scramble ability into an active ability - The marksman scramble ability now needs to be activated and deactivated via the d-pad, and has a cooldown period.
  • Increased tracking response for engineer turrets - The turn speed of turrets has been increased, allowing them to track players more easily.
  • Increased armor for engineer turrets (30%) - Turrets can still be destroyed by a single explosion from a grenade or missile launcher.


  • Improved StA-2 Battle Pistol - Detonation time for the StA-2 Battle Pistol’s grenade is shorter, and the damage it deals is more severe.


  • Added realtime projector to MP15 Radec Academy  - A realtime projector has been added to the theater room, projecting onto the large wall with two doors.


  • Toned down overly enthusiastic death screams - Aieeeeaaargh!


  • Increased mission points in Warzone - There is more of an incentive to go after mission objectives now.
  • Doubled cooldown time on mortars - Cooldown time was increased from 30 to 60 seconds to avoid spamming the Search & Destroy mission area.
  • Fixed tournaments not ending as soon as one clan leaves.
  • Fixed clans being able to rejoin games that were already finished - Clans used these exploits to boost their game wins and climb the leaderboards.
  • Reduced wait time at end of the round - The wait time was brought down from 60 to 45 seconds.
  • Reduced pre-game wait time at end of the round - The wait time was brought down from 30 to 20 seconds.


  • Added menu option to disable Sixaxis-only actions - Sixaxis-only actions can now be switched off in the menu, so players only have to press ‘O’ to start an action. This will make Killzone 3 more accessible to disabled players.
  • Added map name to spawn screen - The map name can be seen in the top left, under the titles.


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