Dishonored: Die Maske des Zorns
05.12.2012 00:02, Julian Dasgupta

Patch 1.2 verfügbar

"Besser als erwartet" - so hatte Bethesda den bisherigen Absatz von Dishonored eingestuft und der Arkane-Schöpfung gleich mal das Prädikat "franchise" verpasst. Wie der Hersteller per Blog verlauten lässt, hat man jetzt Patch v1.2 veröffentlicht. Das Update ist auf allen drei Plattformen erhältlich und wartet mit den folgenden Bug-Fixes bzw. Änderungen auf:

  • Support for playing the game on multiple screens.
  • Game Settings are now saved and restored properly even when using Steam offline.
  • Fixes for some interactions with Granny Rags that invalidated nonlethal playthroughs under certain circumstances. (Note: These fixes work even for savegames AFTER the final Granny Rags encounter.)
  • Fix for a crash that could happen during loading/transition between areas – notably near Dr. Galvani’s house.
  • Reworked “Choke” interaction to make it more reliable in valid contexts.
  • Fixed minor localization issues (PS3/360).
  • Fixed global post-process that sometimes worked improperly during some missions.
  • Fix for a rare crash that could happen when killing a NPC with a possessed rat and spring razor (PS3/360)


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