Dark Souls 2
22.04.2015 10:25, Marcel Kleffmann

Kommendes Update soll nicht nur den "Durability-Bug" beheben

Nach der Bestätigung, dass der lang vorhandene "Durability-Bug" endlich behoben werden soll, folgte von Bandai Namco Games nun die Erklärung , welche sonstigen Veränderungen sie noch an dem Action-Rollenspiel Dark Souls 2 (ab 19,98€ bei kaufen) vornehmen wollen. Die Rede ist davon, dass der Patch und das Calibrations-Update in den "kommenden Wochen" erscheinen sollen.

On Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Steam (DirectX 9), Steam (DirectX 11):

  • Fixed issue whereby weapon durability was decreased drastically when used on enemy corpses, friendly characters, etc. (Especially apparent for users running the game at 60 fps as the durability decrease rate was linked to the frame rate).
  • Fixed issue whereby actions requiring both button and stick controller input (Jump Attack, Guard Break) were not properly registering in-game.

On Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Steam (DirectX 11):
  • Fixed issue whereby summoning sign was displayed in Drangleic Castle and Throne of Want even though the player had defeated all bosses in the area.
  • Fixed issue whereby the moment of death replay for some blood stains weren’t being displayed online.
  • Fixed issue whereby client side may hang during the event movie for Laddersmith Gilligan in Earthen Peak. 
  • Fixed issue whereby the Host may not be able to load their save data after stopping the game while waiting for matching to complete in online mode.

On Xbox One:
  • Fixed issue whereby game may quit suddenly if player pauses the system during online multiplayer.
  • Fixed issue whereby game may leave online multiplayer if the user pauses the system during online play then starts the game again. 
  • Fixes issue whereby the game may hang if the user goes back and forth between different maps over and over again. 
  • Fixed issue whereby the host may not return to normal offline play as intended when their network connection is cut off during online multiplayer.

On Steam (DirectX 9):
  • Fixed issue whereby, when playing online, it may appear that the player is sliding forward because the walking motion animation is not being displayed properly.


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