von Jens Bischoff,

Monster Monpiece: Kartenschlachten beginnen noch im Mai

Monster Monpiece (Taktik & Strategie) von Idea Factory
Monster Monpiece (Taktik & Strategie) von Idea Factory - Bildquelle: Idea Factory
Wie Idea Factory bekannt gibt, wird Compile Hearts Kartenkampfspiel Monster Monpiece Ende Mai auch in westlichen Gefilden an den Start gehen - und zwar als Download via PlayStation Network.

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Screenshot - Monster Monpiece (PS_Vita)

Der bereits seit Januar 2013 in Japan erhältliche PS-Vita-Titel wird am 27. Mai im amerikanischen sowie am 28. Mai im europäischen PSN andocken und 29,99 Dollar kosten.
Quelle: Idea Factory


Asturaetus schrieb am
Irgendwo hab ich schon mal von dem Game gehört ...
Ah gefunden! Das war im Zusammenhang mit der Kontroverse bzgl. des Rausschneidens / der Zensur diverser Karten.
Disclaimer for the North American and European versions of Monster Monpiece:
Idea Factory International, Inc. would like to inform fans and prospective users of Monster Monpiece that we have made the decision to remove several Monster Girl images from the North American and European versions of Monster Monpiece. The gameplay, game system, and storyline are fully intact and Idea Factory International strives to localize and publish Idea Factory titles with the same content as their Japanese releases. Here is the list of Monster Girls whose images have been limited to that of their level 1, 2, or 3 evolution form due to the strong sexual nature of the card images: Vampire, Kraken, Goblin, Cockatrice, Kobold, Skeleton, Titania, Bahamut, Fia, Brownie, Pegasus, Mandragora, Mau Sibau, Rafflesia, Death Scorpion, Phantom, and Tengu.
We fully understand that there are needs and demands for the complete version of these games. Our intention and motivation is to offer Idea Factory titles in a form that is as close as possible to the Japanese versions. This was a tough decision, but we would greatly appreciate your understanding and support.
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