von Marcel Kleffmann,

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power - Update bringt Mac- und Linux-Unterstützung und diverse Verbesserungen

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power (Adventure) von Frozenbyte
Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power (Adventure) von Frozenbyte - Bildquelle: Frozenbyte
Für Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power ist das Update 1.02 veröffentlicht worden. Das knapp 1,8 GB große Update umfasst nicht nur Linux- und OS-X-Unterstützung (Beta), sondern behebt ebenfalls einige Absturzursachen und schafft diverse Probleme in den Levels aus der Welt.

v1.02 (build 3060) - October 5th, 2015
Windows v1.02 patch and Linux & OS X BETA release

* Fixed some rare crash issues
* Fixed memory leak issues with AI navigation mesh data

* Batched model particles to single draw call
* Optimized AI navigation mesh data sizes

Online multiplayer
* Added a failsafe logic if online multiplayer game server doesn't respond so that game wouldn't jam into "Refreshing..." window
* Fixed issue where game used Local Area Network (LAN) for online games if Steam/GOG login failed

* Fixed and tweaked lots of small gameplay issues in all levels
* Fixed some broken AI navigation mesh data in various levels

Player characters
* Fixed issue where crouching could cause movement stuck
* Tweaked player character skills
* Tweaked player wall jumping so that exploiting wouldn't occur
* Tweaked surface jumps from water (now instant, not delayed)

* Fixed issue where wallhead projectiles cut Zoya's grappling hook
* Fixed issue where ALT+TAB could result missing characters
* Tweaked new level indicator in playable map scene
* Tweaked Trineangles visual deletion to be instant instead of delayed

* Fixed infinite looping effects when owner object had been already deleted

* Added hardware cursor to be in use by default (can be changed from options.txt, InputModule::OSCursorVisible)
* Fixed cursor hide/show issues when using ALT+TAB
* Fixed cursor hide/show issues in general
* Fixed input disabling/enabling issues during cinematics
* Fixed Nvidia Shield Controller issues

* Fixed duplicate data in level's checkpoint menu
* Fixed game console issues (console can be opened from F8 button)
* Fixed incorrect tooltips when using user binds
* Tweaked level's checkpoint menu (automatically scale to correct size)

Save & Load
* Fixed end boss issues if player quit the game during the end boss and resumed game later on

* Fixed incorrectly awarded achievements in online multiplayer game

* Added Finnish text localization!
* Fixed issue where missing localization caused game to be unplayable

* Re-builded PhysX 3.3.3 libraries to fix rare physics issues

* Fixed issues where some of the text didn't fit to launcher in various languages

Public Editor
* Added "Localization package" option to MOD export so that generating/testing user translated localization packages would be easier
* Added support for enabling or disabling the playable map for MODs (check MOD export dialog)
* Fixed issue where playable map was enabled on MODs
* Fixed missing keyboard shortcut info in HELP window

* All v1.02 (Steam and DRM Free) builds are online multiplayer compatible with this build (check the version number from game's main menu)

Linux & OS X known issues
* Rendering: When using full screen and smaller resolution than desktop resolution, black borders appears and image isn't scaled to full screen
* Rendering: Fog at the start of The Astral Academy is brightly yellow coloured
* Rendering: Water is flickering near the big watermelon in The Three Heroes - Pontius level
* Rendering: Some of the lights' and glows' edges are visible e.g in the The Astral Academy
* Rendering: Anti-Aliasing causes subtitles to clamp together
* Rendering: Graphics glitching when underwater in Academy Outskirts
* Rendering: The Chronicles of the Guardian page turn effect is upside down (fixed already internally, fix will be added to next build)
* GUI: Keyboard tooltip texts goes outside of the tooltip graphics
* Launcher graphic settings doesn't change all rendering settings internally for the game (game isn't that optimized as it could)
* Crash: Linux: Segmentation fault when exiting the game (happens to some users)
* Binds: Linux: Xbox360 gamepad is not usable is you delete user binds manually
* Binds: Linux: Xbox360 gamepad "START" button doesn't work
* Binds: Linux: Xbox360 gamepad X and Back buttons don't work on "Join an Online Game"
* Binds: Linux: Steam controller doesn't work perfectly
* Binds: Linux: Amadeus (Wizard) accurate levitation upwards with gamepad doesn't work
* Binds: Linux: Show previous hint bind doesn't work
* Launcher: Linux: Launcher's highlight for controllers is not properly visible
* Launcher: Linux SteamOS: Drop-down menus don't work properly
* Launcher: OS X: Cancel button doesn't actually close the launcher, the process still stays in the background (normal X close works)
* Binds: OS X: Xbox360 gamepad binds doesn't work by default

Common known issues
* Some voice overs are still missing for various languages

Letztes aktuelles Video: Feedback der Entwickler

Quelle: Frozenbyte


Veldrin schrieb am
Für mich wars das erste Vollpreisspiel seit langem. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass ich die ersten beiden Teile im Steamsale hinterhergeworfen bekam habe ich es mir in GOG für 25? gekauft. Ob das nun viel bringt bezweifel ich. Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass sie ein paar Rücklagen hatten. Wäre schade um die Schmiede.
Aber ich kann verstehen wer nur im Sale kaufen würde. Ich hätte es eigentlich genauso gemacht, wenn ich nicht so überschwänglich grad den ersten Teil gefeiert hätte und im Sale fast geschenkt bekam.
MSentis schrieb am
rekuzar hat geschrieben:Hatten ja angekündigt das sie zumindest technisch weiter drann arbeiten. Tut mir ja irgendwie schon leid ums Studio und die Serie sollte ihnen das Game jetzt wirklich das Genick brechen aber mehr als ein Sale Kauf wenn es entsprechend fertig gepatcht wurde ist es für mich wohl nicht,
Genau das war für mich der Grund, es eben nicht im Sale zu kaufen, sondern zum "Vollpreis".
Frozenbyte hat bisher nur gute Spiele für mich abgeliefert, da verzeih ich denen den Schnitzer, den sie sich mit Trine 3 geleistet haben.
rekuzar schrieb am
Hatten ja angekündigt das sie zumindest technisch weiter drann arbeiten. Tut mir ja irgendwie schon leid ums Studio und die Serie sollte ihnen das Game jetzt wirklich das Genick brechen aber mehr als ein Sale Kauf wenn es entsprechend fertig gepatcht wurde ist es für mich wohl nicht,
schrieb am