von Marcel Kleffmann,

Endless Space 2: Patch 1.0.36 steht bereit

Endless Space 2 (Taktik & Strategie) von SEGA
Endless Space 2 (Taktik & Strategie) von SEGA - Bildquelle: SEGA
Für Endless Space 2 (ab 39,00€ bei kaufen) steht der große Patch 1.0.36 zum Download bereit. Mit dem Update werden Schwierigkeiten mit dem Speichersystem, mehrere Questmacken und Desync-Probleme behoben. Ansonsten haben die Entwickler mehrere Verbesserungen an der Computerintelligenz und dem Verhalten der computergesteuerten Fraktionen vorgenommen, viele Bugs aus der Welt geschafft und die Helden-Balance umfangreich angepasst. Die sehr ausführliche Liste mit Veränderungen findet ihr hier.

  • Added a scroll bar to the company list on the left banner of the economy screen
  • Disabled and greyed out trade route lines between turns in the economy screen
  • Polished Chat messages (rename, join)
  • Players can now force their fleet to take a direct path by using the Ctrl key
  • Added info about spaceport and population transit in the Star System List
  • Planetary destruction cinematics can now be disabled
  • Added the possibility to rename Vodyani arks
  • Added starting skills in the skill tree panel, now visible as two skill circles on the right of the hero skill tree screen under "Starting Skills"
  • Fleets can no longer escape a player when the player is selecting a target
  • The player is now aware that he can activate population growth using luxuries when reaching the required amount of said luxury
  • Ground battles now start automatically when the ending turn button is pressed
  • Added Guardians information in Guardian curiosity tooltip; the player knows what they get before exploring the curiosity
  • Ground battles on a mothership now have a specific ground texture
  • Added Unique planet lore in Planet screen
  • Global improvements of the performances in game

Letztes aktuelles Video: Video-Test

Quelle: Amplitude Studios


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