City of the Shroud
03.02.2016 12:39, Marcel Kleffmann

Final Fantasy Tactics trifft Street Fighter mit einer episodischen Community-Story + Demo

Abyssal Arts versucht City of the Shroud via Kickstarter zu finanzieren (Ziel: 45.000 Dollar) und bittet zugleich um Unterstützung bei Steam Greenlight . Das Taktik-Rollenspiel soll Echtzeit-Kämpfe mit Kombos und Spezialattacken bieten. Die Entwickler beschreiben das System als Mischung aus Final Fantasy Tactics und Fire Emblem mit einer Prise Street Fighter. Zugleich sollen die im Laufe der episodischen Geschichte getroffenen (kumulativen) Entscheidungen aller Spieler einen Einfluss auf die Story der nächsten Episode haben. Auch eine Demo zu City of the Shroud kann bei uns runtergeladen werden.

Download: Demo für Windows (259 MB)
Download: Demo für OSX (259 MB)

Zur Community-Story erklären die Entwickler: "The story of Iskendrun is driven by the balance of power between different factions fighting over control of the city. When the shroud descends, you must choose which faction to ally yourself with, and its fate will be in your hands. A responsibility shared, of course, by other players - whose interests may not align with yours.  Each faction is led by a leader with a unique personality, history, and agenda. The game's story focuses around these leaders and their fortunes. Omar, leader of the rebels, wants to strip the nobles of their power and wealth and see it given to the people, while Sohrab, using his post as leader of the City Guard to protect the nobles, believes that order is the only way to maintain prosperity... As quests are completed and battles are won, the Balance of Power will shift in favor of different factions. Don't like where the story is headed? Change your allegiance, rally your friends, and fight for the causes you believe in. "


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