A Maze.
24.04.2016 10:12, Marcel Kleffmann

Awards 2016 u.a. an Cosmic Top Secret und Genital Jousting verliehen

Bei dem Indie-Festival A MAZE. in Berlin wurden auch die Gewinner der A MAZE. Awards 2016 bekanntgegeben. 210 Spiele aus 31 Ländern nahmen am Wettbewerb teil. Aus diesem Pool nominierte die Jury insgesamt 20 Titel für die Preise in fünf Kategorien und mittlerweile stehen die Gewinner fest. Den Hauptpreis gewann Cosmic Top Secret . Der Publikumspreis ging an Genital Jousting (der Name ist Programm).

  • Most Amazing Game: Cosmic Top Secret by Trine Laier, Mads Lyngvig Jespersen, Lise Saxtrup, Bjørn Svin (Denmark)
  • The jury: Cosmic Top Secret struck us in both its playfulness and maturity. Its multi-disciplinary approach shone through in its abandonment of the orthodox, and in so many ways it felt an entirely fresh experience that we'd like to see more of in games.

  • WTF: Lieve Oma by Florian Veltman (France)
  • The jury: Lieve Oma conveys a subtle, tender surprise amidst its reflective, wistful story of a grandmother and her grandchild. The rhythms of play and goal-hunting blend startlingly into an embodied feel for the characters' relationship; the jury found ourselves unexpectedly moved by the resulting shifts in storytelling and family companionship.

  • Human Human Machine: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes by Steel Crate Games, Inc. (Canada)
  • The jury: To us, Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes is not only a super fun example of Local Multiplayer. It's a game that shows how to stay human in a world where machines have become part of every relationship: through creativity, humor and making failure part of this new life together.

  • Other Dimensions: Diorama No.3 - The Marchland by The Shoebox Diorama (Netherlands)
  • The jury: We chose Diorama no. 3  as an amazing and new VR experience with the power to transport us like ghosts out of this world and forget everything outside.

  • The Audience Award goes to: Genital Jousting: A MAZE. Grand Prize Winning Game by Team Swaffelen (Norway/ South Africa)

Die internationale Jury bestand aus Katharine Neil (NZ/FR), Naomi Clark (US), Llaura Dreamfeel (IE), Claudia Maté (ES) und Sebastian Quack (GER).


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