von Michael Krosta,

Interstellar Space: Genesis: Neuer Name für Project Space Sector und Pre-Alpha bald spielbar für Vorbesteller

Interstellar Space: Genesis (Taktik & Strategie) von
Interstellar Space: Genesis (Taktik & Strategie) von - Bildquelle: SpaceSector.com
Das Strategiespiel Project Space Sector hat einen neuen Namen: Per Pressemitteilung geben die Entwickler bekannt, dass der Titel ab sofort als Interstellar Space: Genesis bezeichnet wird. Darüber hinaus wird angekündigt, dass man ab dem 12. Juli den aktuellen und spielbaren Pre-Alpha-Build im Rahmen für Vorbesteller zur Verfügung stellen will. Zwar plant man neben Umsetzungen für Mac und Linux auch eine Veröffentlichung über Steam, doch ist ein Download vorerst nur über das Humble Widget möglich.

Das Team von SpaceSector.com sieht es als seine Mission an, mit Interstellar Space: Genesis einen spirituellen Nachfolger von Master of Orion 2 zu entwickeln und damit Fans von komplexen sowie rundenbasierten 4X-Strategiespielen im Weltraum anzusprechen. Was die Entwickler alles planen und versprechen, verrät ein Blick auf unsere Ankündigungs-News oder die folgende Übersicht zu den Game Features aus der Pressemitteilung:

  • Turn-based tactical combat: We keep with the Master of Orion 2 formula but with some novelties for an even deeper and satisfying experience
  • Ship design: customize your ships, send them to battle and witness the results of your creation in action with full control
  • Free space-based movement with range limits: Your ships can travel to every star as long as there’s no celestial object in the way and the destination is in supply range
  • Race customization: Design your own races with their advantages, disadvantages and special abilities for increased fun, variety and challenge
  • Leaders: Leaders have not only abilities but also traits and desires for additional personality. Leaders accumulate experience, level up and you can choose which primary skills they improve and even which secondary skills they obtain or upgrade
  • Deep colony development and terraforming: You can see the colony close, see the buildings there. You can build planetary improvements, empire projects and even wonders. The worlds are procedurally generated. So, each game will have different planets and terrain views. You can see your planets evolve, and no planet is equal.
  • Random tech trees: Not all techs are present in every game and players may have different tech trees in each game. Research artifacts that boost certain research fields and unique techs that can only be found in derelicts or ruins exploration
  • Races with different ideal planet types: Play with races that prefer different environments since they have different biochemistries, unique abilities and special characteristics
  • Rich and reliable diplomacy system: You can make and break treaties with the alien races for trade, mining rights, research treaties and alliances. Expect lots of personality, a reliable system (player understands what’s going on) and meaningful and real cooperation
  • Varied and deep exploration mechanics: A more realistic galaxy, with black holes, neutron stars, exotic stars, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, nebulae, asteroid belts and rogue planets, all playing a role in our gameplay model. Some of which will need to be revealed as you play!
  • Define your space civilization wants and desires: Shape the way your empire explores the stars and develops by choosing which cultural path you shall take in each game. Will you be an adventurer, a tycoon or a knowledge seeker?
  • Deep economic model: Mine asteroids for minerals, volatiles or study them for research. Exploit interstellar tourism and research and strategic resources that unlock new key technologies and provide other advantages
  • Espionage: Steal technologies, conduct sabotage and frame others
Quelle: Pressemitteilung


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