The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
08.05.2006 17:25, Paul Kautz

Möpse in Games? Auftritt Jack Thompson!

Der übliche Verdächtige der »Die da! Die da waren's!«-Fingerzeigerfraktion Jack Thompson ist im Zuge des Oblivion-»Nacktskandals« wieder ans Tageslicht zurückgekehrt - und bietet sich in einer Pressemitteilung als kompetenter Gesprächspartner in Talkshows zum Thema »Wie die Videospieleindustrie im Allgemeinen und Take 2 im Speziellen aus unseren Kindern sexsüchtige Massenmörder macht« an. Ein paar Auszüge aus der durchaus erheiternden Mitteilung:

»Its popular and newly released Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has now been re-rated "Mature" and recalled by the ESRB because Take-Two and its co-publisher have been caught embedding nude figures and scenes in the game which can be unlocked with a code provided by the developer. This is not a modification or "mod" of the game by gamers. It is an unlocking of content that was put there by Take-Two with the unlocking code provided by the developer!«

»Expert guest, attorney Jack Thompson (and author of Out of Harm's Way, an expose on violent video games) is available to be your Talk Show interview guest to discuss this new scandal that has just exploded. During your interview, jack explains that this game is an even worse disaster than last year's' "Hot Coffee" scandal in that it has resulted in the re-rating of a "Teen" rated game that kids of all ages have already bought and secondly because it shows that the Take-Two and the ESRB and the industry as a whole learned absolutely nothing from last year's scandal.«

»It is also clear that Take-Two corporately and its senior officers, including CEO Paul Eibeler, individually, must now be prosecuted criminally for the knowing distribution of "sexual material harmful to minors" which is a felony in most states and nationally. The undersigned intends to work toward that end immediately.«

»In Jack Thompson's new book, Out of Harm's Way, Jack puts the powerful video gaming industry in his cross hairs. Pointing to medical, scientific, and law enforcement evidence, the author shows how unhealthy and dangerous this popular "entertainment" has become-and how violent video games have been linked to the increase in school shootings. Lest the video gaming industry think Thompson is not capable of opposing their powerful stranglehold on the entertainment business, his history strongly suggests otherwise.«

Netterweise macht sich Jack Thompson auch gleich noch die Mühe, mögliche Fragen an ihn auszuformulieren - wie z.B. »Is this a Republican issue or a Democratic issue?«


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