von Marcel Kleffmann,

X³ Reunion - Patch 1.3 Details

Egosoft hat im hauseigenen Forum verraten, welche Verbesserungen, Änderungen und Bugfixes der Patch 1.3 mit sich bringen wird. Das Update soll vor Weihnachten erscheinen und vor allem die Performance in erträglichere Bahnen lenken. Auch an der KI sowie der Balance der Waffen wird fleißig gearbeitet.

The features are of course not final so some may be missing upon release but the intention is to get as much in as possible.

Feature List, and Fixes

- Mobile mining
- Sector enhancements
- HUD render performance increased
- Bullet render performance increased
- additional user-defined graphics options
- Optimized shader overall performance
- Higher quality /and speed of medium shaders
- Plot elements restored to working (should also be for existing saves too)
- CPU load reudced, increasing whole game performance
- NPC fight AI improved
- GOD engine rebalanced, also affecting economy
- M1 & M2 shield generators increased
- M2 laser generators increased
- Swarm missiles rebalanced and NPC AI tweaked to allow handling of them
- Complete tips menu with all game tips introduced
- Pirate stations spawn pirate ships
- Increased NPC fights and conflicts
- Plot ending Argon rank bug fixed
- Argon v Boron battle issues resolved
- Captured ship speed bug fixed
- Ships straiking a gate following jump fixed

The above is certainly not an exhaustive list but just designed to give you an idea of the content. A new version of the update has very recently been released to testers.

Quelle: EgoSoft


johndoe-freename-71584 schrieb am
Jo hoffentlich beheben die die übelsten Bugs dann auch wirklich...ich komm mir nämlich manchmal vor wie ein Betatester wenn ich das spiel. Naja jetzt stehts im Schrank weil ich meinen Rechner aufgerüstet habe und nur noch Bluescreen bekomm wenn ichs spielen will (alles andere klappt einwandfrei). Aber gut, dass der patch noch vor weihnachten also in den nächsten zehn tagen oder so kommen soll weil mir das Spiel riesig Spass macht und das was ich von der Grafik vor den Bluscreens sehe einfach nur fett aussieht!
AnonymousPHPBB3 schrieb am
<P>Egosoft hat im hauseigenen <A href="http://forum2.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=110909" target=_blank>Forum</A> verraten, welche Verbesserungen, Änderungen und Bugfixes der Patch 1.3 mit sich bringen wird. Das Update soll vor Weihnachten erscheinen und vor allem die Performance in erträglichere Bahnen lenken. Auch an der KI sowie der Balance der Waffen wird fleißig gearbeitet.<SPAN class=postbody><BR><BR><EM>The features are of course not final so some may be missing upon release but the intention is to get as much in as possible. <BR><BR><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Feature List, and Fixes</SPAN> <BR><BR>- Mobile mining <BR>- Sector enhancements <BR>- HUD render performance increased <BR>- Bullet render performance increased <BR>- additional user-defined graphics options <BR>- Optimized shader overall performance <BR>- Higher quality /and speed of medium shaders <BR>- Plot elements restored to working (should also be for existing saves too) <BR>- CPU load reudced, increasing whole game performance <BR>- NPC fight AI improved <BR>- GOD engine rebalanced, also affecting economy <BR>- M1 & M2 shield generators increased <BR>- M2 laser generators increased <BR>- Swarm missiles rebalanced and NPC AI tweaked to allow handling of them <BR>- Complete tips menu with all game tips introduced <BR>- Pirate stations spawn pirate ships <BR>- Increased NPC fights and conflicts <BR>- Plot ending Argon rank bug fixed <BR>- Argon v Boron battle issues resolved <BR>- Captured ship speed bug fixed <BR>- Ships straiking a gate following jump fixed <BR><BR>The above is certainly not an exhaustive list but just designed to give you an idea of the content. A new version of the update has very recently been released to testers.</EM></SPAN></P><br><br>Hier geht es zur News: <a href="http://www.4players.de/rendersite.php?L ... wsid=48744" target="_blank">X³ Reunion: Was bringt der Patch auf Version...
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X³ Reunion
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