25.06.2011 10:40, Marcel Kleffmann

Multiplayer-Demo für PC

Die Multiplayer-Demo zu Homefront (ab 9,99€ bei kaufen) kann nun auch via Steam für PC runtergeladen werden. Zwei Karten sind enthalten und ihr dürft zwei Spielmodi ausprobieren. Allerdings könnt ihr nur bis Stufe 10 im Mehrspieler-Modus aufsteigen. Passend zur Demo-Veröffentlichung ist der Steam-Preis an diesem Wochenende außerdem halbiert worden (auf 24,99 Euro).

THQ is proud to announce that a free Homefront Multiplayer Demo is now available for download via Steam for Windows PC! Containing two maps and two game modes, the Demo allows players to rank up to level 10 and sample a wide variety of weapons, drones, vehicles and abilities and offers a great overview of Homefront’s unique brand of large-scale warfare.
Get your taste of Homefront warfare and take advantage of an exclusive offer, 50% off Homefront PC this entire weekend via direct download on Steam! Offer ends June 27th, 2011. The Homefront Multiplayer demo, which was released first on Xbox 360, has already been a huge success with record downloads for a post-release demo and includes major fixes that have also been introduced into the full game.


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