von Marcel Kleffmann,

Magicka - Weitere Patches

Magicka (Arcade-Action) von Paradox Interactive
Magicka (Arcade-Action) von Paradox Interactive - Bildquelle: Paradox Interactive

Das Action-Rollenspiel mit den zahlreichen Kombinationsmöglichkeiten der unterschiedlichen Magiearten hat wieder einige Updates und Bugfixes spendiert bekommen: Neben der Optimierung des 'Network Traffics' wurde eine häufige Ursache für Verbindungsabbrüche behoben. Die Patches für Magicka (ab 7,99€ bei kaufen) werden automatisch per Steam runtergeladen. Außerdem haben die Entwickler bekannt gegeben, dass bereits über 150.000 Exemplare des Spiels verkauft wurden und weitere Updates anstehen...

5. Februar
Fixed issues/bugs
-Network traffic optimizations.
-Books of magicks no longer fall through level.
-Cutscene skip bug in chapter 1 fixed.
-Player item desync on network clients fixed. (This will solve many different issues.)
-Fixed crash on clients when exploding objects.
-Fixed Thunderstorm distribution.
-Fixed chapter 3 bossfight initialization on clients.
-Fixed Random Teleport distribution.

New features/balancing
-Orc Berserkers' hit tolerance have been increased.
-Swampthings' strangle speed and damage have been increased.
-Mouse is now locked inside the window when playing with keyboard and mouse.

Known Issues
-Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding
-Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion
-Quitting the game while the credits are rolling will not award a game complete

2. Februar
Fixed issues/bugs
-Fixed Khan spell absorption resulting in crash.
-Fixed crash when attempting to play two ambient sounds with the same id.
-Fixed issue with exploding Goblin bombers not dealing damage.
-Fixed issue with explosive objects not dealing damage.
-Fixed level progression issue when the captain in Chapter 1 is killed before he speaks.
-NPCs are removed when leaving a scene that one cannot return to. (Solves NPC cache is empty crash.)
-Fixed CTD in chapter 9 bossfight. (No area with key...)
-Fixed camera issue when using Staff of the Dead.
-Fixed Book of Magick jittering on network clients.
-Fixed issue when joining a game from the Steam client and Magicka is not running.
-Fixed rare crash in UPnP routine.
-Fixed crash when a character was overkilled by a buff.
-Fixed issue with items, magicks & missiles falling through the level.
-Clients no longer get stuck in-between scenes in chapter 1.
-Minor network optimizations.
-Fixed CTD when trying to use chat and playing with only gamepads.
-Quick Start no longer tries to join games incompatible versions or password protected games.

-Khan shield spell changed to area blast.

Known Issues
-Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding
-Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion
-Quitting the game while the credits are rolling will not award a game complete.
-Mouse outside screen in full screen with multiple monitors will minimize the game.

1. Februar
Fixed issues/bugs
-Fixed jittering caused by avatar move orders persisting on clients.
-Fixed issue where self shields would get desynced.
-Fixed so that elementals that werent initialized collided with beam spells.
-Fixed crash initializing a dialogue chain with a dead actor.
-Fixed crash due to navigation desync in chapter 2 secret area.
-Fixed "Too fancy for fireballs" achievement sometimes not being awarded.
-Fixed crash on Chapter 11 boss confuse ability.
-Fixed so that Chapter 12 boss does not start attacking before cutscene is done.

-Added Chapter 1 Text in intro.

Known Issues
-Network uplink bandwidth, while improved, can be demanding
-Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched on rare occasion
-Quitting the game while the credits are rolling will not award a game complete.
-Mouse outside screen in full screen with multiple monitors will minimize the game.
-Crash due to leaving too many enemies alive in previous scenes (NonPlayerCharacterCache is empty)

Quelle: Steam


profile_1842269541306 schrieb am
Mittlerweile kann ich das Spiel weiterempfehlen. Macht echt Spaß, ohne gravierende Bugs unso.
dreckigerdan schrieb am
Habs heute mir und meinem kleinen Bruder geholt, das Spiel ist im Coop der Hammer :D
Hatten bisher 1x einen disconnect nachdem wir ein Kapitel geschafft hatten, aber für nur 9.99 kann man nicht meckern, schließlich kommen fast täglich fixes.
schrieb am
ab 7,99€ bei