20.09.2013 07:56, Julian Dasgupta

Eine Nacht überleben im Gruselhaus

Seit einiger Zeit schon werkelt Ice-Pick Lodge (Pathologic) an Knock-Knock. Im vergangenen Jahr bewarb das in Moskau ansässige Team sein Projekt auf Kickstarte r und konnte das Mindestziel von 30.000 Dollar erreichen. Um nicht ganz in Vergessenheit zu geraten, hat man das Spiel jetzt quasi nochmal angekündigt und mit entsprechendem Bildmaterial ausgestattet.

Ziel des Spielers ist es, eine Nacht in einem einsamen Haus im Wald zu überleben. Dabei muss man dieses gegen allerlei eindringende Kreaturen sichern und entsprechende Schwachstellen fixen. Das Equipment ist stets zufallsverteilt und ändert sich mit jeder Partie.

"The house recieves visits from unusual guests that knock on the window inviting this strange hermit to join them in a game of hide-and-seek. To win, simply remain alive and maintain your sanity until sunrise. Approaching the Visitors head-on is a dangerous idea.

As soon as the first Visitor emerges from the forest, the countdown begins. Every passing hour brings them closer to the house, and the house's walls offer no sanctuary. Something is already inside. Something is opening the window and banging around in the kitchen. Something controls the cellar and attic. Floorboards creak softly deep in the bowels of the house.

The Visitors are well aware of your position, so you must make your rounds of the house and find the breaches that let the creatures inside while doing your best to mend them.

You may come across some useful items that might help your survival, but those items are always random and your inventory is limited to 5 slots, so your gear changes by night.

Survive until sunrise and the monsters disappear, but if they get you before the sun peeks over the horizon, well, just the idea is terrifying."


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