Kingdom Come: Deliverance
16.12.2015 18:19, Marcel Kleffmann

Beta-Phase soll im ersten Quartal 2016 starten

Im 1. Quartal 2016 (Ende März) soll die Beta-Phase von Kingdom Come: Deliverance (ab 7,49€ bei GP_logo_black_rgb kaufen) starten. Dan Vávra (Creative Director) spricht im folgenden Video-Update u.a. darüber, dass die zentralen Funktionen eingebaut seien und die Entwickler sich fortan um die Erstellung der Inhalte kümmern würde. Die Beta-Version des Mittelalter-Rollenspiels soll den Auftakt der Geschichte, alle zentralen Spielmechaniken, eine Verdreifachung der Größe der aktuellen Spielwelt, neue Waffen (Schwert und Schild) und die ersten Schlachten bzw. Belagerungen mit sich bringen.

Development progress:

  • Finishing the Story: Daniel Vávra and his team of 7 writers are finishing over 2500 pages of screenplay, hundred pages of design and have now more than 70 quests with over 300.000 words of dialogues.
  • Dog Companion: We are working on the next Kickstarter Stretch Goal - a man's best friend. We decided to revive the extinct breed “Alount”. It was a very common breed used for hunting, herding and guarding. 
  • 2D and 3D improvements: With hundreds of incredible artworks and many ingame improvements like the Dynamic weather changes and the Total Illumination System Kingdom Come: Deliverance gets even more realistic. In addition to that we improved our 3D face scanning technologies. We're scanning every single head for our game including over 30 different expressions and emotion to create life-like facial animations, even with wrinkles.
  • Cutscene production starts: We are adding the first cutscenes into the game, with full motion capture of real actors and completely new voices. We prepared more than 25 hours of voiceovers and around 4h of symphonic music which will be recorded in Rudolfinum, one of the most important concert halls in Europe.


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