von Marcel Kleffmann,

Hearts of Iron 4: Patch 1.1 "Red Ball Express" verbessert Computerintelligenz

Hearts of Iron 4 (Taktik & Strategie) von Paradox Interactive
Hearts of Iron 4 (Taktik & Strategie) von Paradox Interactive - Bildquelle: Paradox Interactive
Der erste Patch für Hearts of Iron 4 (ab 11,99€ bei kaufen) auf Version 1.1 steht bereit. Das Update mit dem Titel "Red Ball Express" nimmt zahlreiche Verbesserungen an der Computerintelligenz (z.B. verstärkte Produktion von Infanterie) vor, optimiert Stabilität sowie Performance, entfernt einige Speicherlecks und schafft diverse Bugs aus der Welt. Neu sind auch "Command Group Postures". Armeen können die Befehle fortan vorsichtig, ausgeglichen oder im Eiltempo ausführen.

Auszug aus dem Change-Log:
  • It is now possible to set a command group to execute orders in different manners: carefully, balanced, and rush.
  • Added achievements indicator in game setup telling you if you can get achievements or not
  • Now possible to start from scratch with an empty division template by selecting New in the designer drop down

  • Tweaked deployment AI to not get crippled when their armies are taking damage.
  • Air mission AI is better at prioritizing the most important regions in stead of getting stuck in local optima of groups of regions.
  • Tweaked down AI desire for motorized a bit.
  • Added scriptable AI strategy to tweak factory assignment to equipment types and SIGNIFICANTLY boosted fighter production.
  • Tweaked up AI production balance for infantry equipment.
  • Tweaked guarantee desire to go down the more enemies a country has. Should keep Allies from going guarantee crazy while in wars.
  • Added a define for min steps for unit controller to strategically redeploy to front location and boosted it from 4 to 8 to reduce lots of small redeployments along fronts.
  • Made AI capable of determining if a template was created by them or not. Germany should no longer replace their divisions with templates from Austria.
  • Tweaked area defense and pocket handling AI to be better at handling coastal defense.
  • Tied countries naval base IC fraction to their naval AI focus, primarily meaning Germany will not be building as many of them, at least initially.
  • Improved unitcontrollers capability to recognize when units should join as support in a combat (effects both player and AI).
  • The AI now launches naval invasions against the same enemy area at the same time rather than separately.
  • Tweaked AI template designing
  • Having a common enemy will now make AI very accepting to granting and accepting military access as long as both are democracies.
  • Neutral countries now consider guarantees when deciding on which faction it would rather join.
  • AI is now properly checking if having common enemy when looking at asking for and granting military access, and is also more eager to do
  • Soviet and Germany should no longer bail from the Unholy alliance as soon as they can
  • AI containment score no longer goes massively negative if a major is farther away than germany meaning Allies can guarantee vs soviet aggression if they are worse than Germany
  • Made non-core states count as half compared to core states when deciding on number of units for area defense.
  • Added Women in Aviation to historical focus list for soviet
  • Moved Claims in Baltic up the historical focus list for soviet
  • Improved AI naval deployment to strategic regions
  • Tweaked front assignment AI. Should mean AI is better at multi front wars.
  • Further tweaks to AI front assignment to attempt to reduce bad stuff happening in multi front wars.
  • Further tweaked the AI front balancing, and made sure France does not completely mess up their Italian front and Germany pushes hard against Poland when war breaks out
  • AI should now be able to respond to naval invasions with naval bombers
  • Made sure fascist majors are much more likely to go for war economy
  • Polish AI will no longer randomly change its ideology by picking ministers
  • AI should no longer use garrison divisions as infantry.
  • Changed trigger condition for UK focus Benelux Intervention to require a bit more fascist/communist support, preventing the AI from taking it immediately.
  • Naval AI will now deploy all its fleets (previously it would generally deploy less than 1/3 of all its ships). AI will now split fleets it cannot find a mission for, allowing it to spread them out better
  • AI is now able to set naval bombers to try to prevent others from sending reinforcements over water.
  • Tweaked AI down prio of non war/dangerous fronts.
  • AI will no longer guarantee against leaders of other naughty factions (like soviet) if there is a much much worse faction around doing bad stuff (Axis)
  • AI nations will no longer spam you with requests for military access at game start and nations who would rather occupy someone than liberate wont ask for military access
  • AI can now feed puppets/liberated/change government countries with states in peace conferences giving much saner outcomes
  • Made sure unitcontroller does not interfere with retreating units.
  • German 1939 OOB now lists the good armor template last so ai will prefer it
  • Made sure that template design AI puts a motorized together with armored when making new templates.
  • Made AI look more at fitness when picking template for designing, upgrading and deployment.
  • Improved how AI calculates which is a garrison template (making it pick the proper one as infantry.)
  • ai now avoids putting nations that have very small bottleneck borders as main enemy
  • ai now prioritize fighters and medium armor more for research
  • Countries at war are no longer automatically assuming war will happen with non neutral neighbors (the Germany putting everyone against Soviet thing.)
  • ai no longer retains main enemies who have already gotten wiped out
  • Germany no longer goes justification crazy on south america
  • Romania and Yugoslav small armor templates on start no longer deathtraps for AI
  • AI should no longer ping-pong between trade laws in edge case
  • US AI now a lot more hesitant to join factions due to threat
  • fixed add_ai_strategy effect and added strategies where countries are added in faction from event or focus
  • AI will now prioritize better economic laws a lot more
  • Fixed typo in polish AI focus

Letztes aktuelles Video: Launch-Trailer

Der erste Patch für Hearts of Iron 4 auf Version 1.1 steht bereit. Das Update mit dem Titel "Red Ball Express" nimmt zahlreiche Verbesserungen an der Computerintelligenz (z.B. verstärkte Produktion von Infanterie) vor, optimiert Stabilität sowie Performance, entfernt einige Speicherlecks und schafft diverse Bugs aus der Welt. Neu sind auch "Command Group Postures". Armeen können die Befehle vorsichtig, ausgeglichen oder im Eiltempo ausführen.

Quelle: Paradox Interactive


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