God of War: Ascension
11.07.2013 23:48, Julian Dasgupta

Patch mit neuem 1v1-Modus & Kartennachschub

Wie Sony verlauten lässt , steht ein neues Update für God of War: Ascension (ab 17,57€ bei kaufen) bereit. Patch 1.09 hat es durchaus in sich: Neben einigen Multiplayer-Fixes gibt es nämlich neue Inhalte in Form von Bout of Honor.

Dabei handelt es sich um klassische 1v1-Action (siehe Video), wie man sie aus anderen Prügelspielen kennt. Der Patch kommt mit vier speziell für jenen Modus gestalteten Levels daher, in denen dann zwei Spieler gegeneinander antreten können.

"Das Team hat das Balancing eigens für Bout of Honor ein wenig angepasst um sicherzustellen, dass die Kämpfe fair und ehrenhaft ablaufen. Infinites wurden entfernt, zu starke Waffen etwas geschwächt und der Schaden bei 100% Combos wurde angepasst."

Damit nicht genug: Mit The Whirlpool of Alecto ist noch eine weitere 4-Spieler-Karte am Start, über die es heißt: "The Whirlpool of Alecto bietet einen riesigen Leviathan dessen einziger Zweck es ist, die Wut Alectos, in Form von körperlichen Schmerzen für alle sorglosen Krieger die sein Gebiet betreten, zu entfesseln."

Die vollständigen Patch-Notes gibt es unten.

Video: Bout of Honor


New 1v1 Mode - Bout of Honor!

Kill your enemy or spill the most blood before the sands of time run out in our new free 1v1 Mode. Fight one-on-one matches in 4 new levels designed specifically like a traditional fighting game. There are also 5 new Feats for you to accomplish. Match-up against a friend, or challenge your skills against all opponents online.

  • 4 New Maps
  • Canyons of Kirra
  • Streets of Sparta
  • Chamber of the Flame
  • Landing at Delos

5 New Feats


  • Perfection: Win round without taking damage
  • Invincible: Win 3 rounds without taking damage
  • Dominator: Win 3 rounds without losing a round
  • Tide Turner: Win a round when you are 3 rounds behind
  • Unwavering: Win 3 rounds when you are 3 rounds behind


New 4 Player Map – Whirlpool of Alecto!

Supporting 4 player Match of Champions and Team Favor of the Gods, beware the whirlpool of chaos and monstrous Leviathan lurking within this map.


All / Misc Spears

Air triangle move has had its range and timing slightly improved. It should now be more viable from a distance, and also air to ground.

The spear delay square attack has had its ranged appropriately increased so it should be a more viable mix up option for a quick/go-to unblockable, especially in 1v1 play.

Blade of Poseidon

Fixed a bug where the air version of the triangle special would occasionally play no effect but still hit opponents (occasionally recovery could also be unfairly cancelled.)

Blade of Zeus

The start-up time of the L1 triangle in the air is now closer to its ground counterpart

Juggles, Hit Reactions / Misc

The frames where players were allowed to cancel and recover from hit-stun during certain extended combos have been adjusted to allow players to escape as intended.

This was also the existing functionality, however in certain occasions of lag or low performance, that window was extended which would allow both players to combo when they shouldn’t have, and for players to escape when they should be getting combo’d. This has been adjusted to be consistent across the board.

A bug has also been fixed where players would appear to glow white / invulnerable, but they were not technically invulnerable/ in a recovery state yet. The visuals now match the functionality.

Infinite / 1 –hit Combos

Several 1-hit combos have been adjusted to prevent “re-juggling” of opponents mid combo string. The hits themselves will stand land, however they will cause a reset-hit rather than a re-juggle. This only affects a handful of weapons, and specific combos.

Poseidon Hammer Stats

Adjusted the stats slightly of the Poseidon armor. It was giving slightly too much physical resist


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