von Marcel Kleffmann,

Hitman: März-Update verfügbar

Hitman (Action-Adventure) von Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (ehemals Square Enix)
Hitman (Action-Adventure) von Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (ehemals Square Enix) - Bildquelle: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (ehemals Square Enix)
Für Hitman (ab 15,80€ bei kaufen) ist das März-Update auf PC (1,1 GB) veröffentlicht worden. Hinzugefügt wird die Sprachunterstützung von vereinfachtem Chinesisch. Darüber hinaus werden diverse Bugs und Probleme in den Missionen aus der Welt geschafft. Auch etwaige Audio-Macken und Absturzursachen werden behoben.

  • Simplified Chinese Language Support: We've added full menu and subtitle support for Simplified Chinese on PC.
  • Performance: We've fixed some rare issues that could cause the game to crash or be unstable.
  • Missing Exits: We've fixed an issue that could prevent exit points from appearing after killing the target(s).
  • Paris Suspend: We've fixed an issue that could cause guards and targets in Paris to suspend their routines, after specific player actions.
  • Subdue Prompt: We've fixed an issue that could cause the 'subdue' prompt to disappear when an NPC is picking up an item or when they are close to a wall.
  • Scoring Adjustment: We've fixed an issue where the 'Never Spotted' bonus was not awarded in certain cases.
  • Sapienza Lab: We've fixed an issue that could cause 47 to be 'spotted' in the Sapienza Lab, even whilst 'blending in'.
  • Hokkaido Landscape: We've fixed a rare issue that could cause 47 to fall 'out of world' in Hokkaido.
  • Contracts Search Favourites: The Contract Tile now displays an icon to show whether that contract has been added to 'My Favorites'
  • Sticky Pistol (Escalation): We've fixed an issue where the 'Sticky Pistol' countdown would expire, despite 47 having the pistol equipped on a ledge.
  • The Incarnation Non-Accident: We've fixed an issue in the 'Meiko Incarnation' Escalation where dumping an NPC in a specific area would not result in an accident kill.
  • Disappearing Act: We've fixed an issue that could cause a holstered large weapon to be lost when activating the diorama in Paris.
  • Fire Safety: We've fixed an issue that could cause NPC's to teleport away when they are burning.
  • HDR Launcher: We've fixed an issue where the 'HDR' option could not be enabled in the game's launcher on AMD cards.
  • Sun Spots (HDR): We've fixed an issue that could cause black pixels to appear around bright light sources when HDR is enabled.
  • Additional: We've also fixed other minor issues involving AI dialogue, audio and VO consistency, escalation completion marks and we've slightly reworded some menu text to make it more consistent.

Quelle: Square Enix und IO-Interactive


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