07.12.2014 22:01, Bobic

Hubbard war gestern! 70 Minuten fantastische SID-Musik von Stellan "Dane" Andersson stecken im neuen BitJam Podcast #195.

Viele großartige Musiker hat das Zeitalter des Commodore 64 hervor gebracht. Rob Hubbard, Chris Hülsbeck, Matt Gray - um nur einige dieser musikalischen Genies beim Namen zu nennen. Doch diese Leute sind Schnee von gestern. Heutzutage flippt man zu den fantastischen Melodien von Stellan "Dane" Andersson aus, einem schwedischen Musiker, der in den letzten Jahren die Soundtracks für einige der beeindruckensten C64-Demos beisteuerte, darunter Edge of Disgrace , Andropolis , Revolved oder unsere aktuelle Lieblingsdemo Uncensored . Genau dieser Mann hat seine besten Tracks zu einem über 70 Minuten dauernden Mix verarbeitet, welcher schon die Leute auf der X 2014 Demoparty begeisterte, nun aber auch als BitJam Podcast #195 veröffentlicht wurde.

Unsere Empfehlung: Unbedingt anhören! Spätestens bei den letzten 20 Minuten werdet ihr von einer Lawine an brillanten Melodien überrollt, die dieses unbeschreibliche Bauchkribbeln verursacht, wie man es seinerzeit nur beim ersten Anschalten des eigenen C64s verspürte. Einen besseren Mix haben wir im Jahr 2014 nicht gehört (und wir haben wirklich viel gehört)!

BitJam Episode #195 Manifesto - Dane's Mix From X2014

There's a small town in Germany with about 12.000 inhabitants, where two boys used to meet each other with their first own cars next to their favourite gas station. The windows have been pulled down and the volume of the cassette player was turned up. Bitfellas' Bobic and his friend listened to great SID tunes from Hubbard, Gray, Huelsbeck and others and spread the mighty sounds into the air of her home town. That was 22 years ago.

Now, in 2014, not much has changed. Both friends still meet at the same place from time to time. They still listen to SID music while having a beer together, but the music comes from their cars' MP3 player, while their children are playing next to them. They still feel the magic of SID sounds, such as the ones which were presented at X 2014 demo party, the C64 mega event. Modern SID magicians such as Dane, Fanta and many others are the ones which blow their notes into the air now. So tune in and let's have a (virtual) beer together while listening to Manifesto, mixed, compiled and presented by the master himself: Dane!

BitFellas - Where Bleeps and Beeps feel like coming home.

Mixing by Stellan "Dane" Andersson, Logo by KF, Text by Bobic.

Track List in alphabetical order:
- Alpha Bitch
- Andropolis
- Archangel
- Arctic Circles
- Bitter Swede
- Break the Cycle
- Channels
- Chronicles
- Edge of Disgrace
- Edge of disgrace (note)
- Eskimonika
- Flowerguy's Pool Party
- Gaijin
- Gloria
- Goldie
- Good Enough
- Hexadecimal
- Legoman
- Listen and Learn
- Live Forever
- Lois Lane
- Mekanix
- Melonade
- Metamorphosis
- Moroder
- Revolved
- Scarlet
- Shorty
- Smashing
- Valentine
- Videogamer

Total playing time: 1:11:05


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