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Patch v2.500 für Company of Heroes und Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts zur Vorbereitung auf Tales of Valor

Tales of Valor Features
- Added new Reward Vehicles:
- American T17 Armored Car
- American M18 Hellcat
- British Staghound
- British Kangaroo Carrier
- Wehrmacht Schwimmwagen
- Wehrmacht Geschutzwagen
- Panzer Elite Scwimmwagen
- Panzer Elite Hotchkiss

- Added new "Operation" Modes:
- Panzerkrieg
- Assault
- Stonewall

General Features
- Added new standard multiplayer maps
- 2p Flooded Plains
- 2p Beach Assault
- 4p Achelous River
- 4p Ecliptic Fields
- 8p King of the Hill

- Updated the Front End UI.
- Numerous fixes and enhancements.
- Updated all versions of the game to be compatible with Tales of Valor.
- Tuned Leaderboard distribution.

- A number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been implemented.


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