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Spieletipps: Fragen und Antworten zu Command & Conquer 3: Kanes Rache

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  1. Frage
  2. 19.11.2009 - Frage von MaximBrody
    Erfolg: ''Ohh....Sie sind gut!''
    Hey Leute!
    Hab ein Problem mit dem Erfolg: ''Ohh....Sie sind gut''.
    Und zwar gilt es ja eine 'Brutal'-KI zu besiegen, aber wie schafft man dass?
    Innerhalb von 5-10 Minuten bin ich schon fast immer oder total zerstört.

    Also bitte helft mir, wie auch immer :D

    Gruß MaximBrody
  3. 1 Antwort:
  4. seph`
    Antwort von seph`
    Ich zitiere aus xbox360achievements.org:

    "Use the Black Hand for this one. Place 40,000 credits and place a small map, 1v1. Choose to fight against ZOCOM, they are the weakest one out of all the factions(for this achievement). They are slow to build up an army, and will only build ORCAS at the begining. Build a crane, three power plants, refinery, barracks, war factory, secret shrine, outpost, and tech center. Mass out Purifiers and upgrade their flames. Set them to aggressive stance and walk into the enemy base. Also, build the Redeemer and place an Engineer and Black Hand. My first assault consisted of 2 Purifiers and I was able to knock them out, except for an air field. Their Hammer Heads(they had around ten) killed my second attack. Just build some Bikes and to distract. They only built Zone Raiders and that was it. Make sure that they are also set to TURTLE, it will save you a lot of time.


    This is the only buildings your going to need,1 Power Plant,and 2 or 3 Hand of Nod. Dont worry about getting money because you have plenty of it and shouldnt run out. Ok first of all play on the map Backwater Brawl, and set the resources to 40000 and no crates. Then i just set myself up on the bottom right corner, picked the Black Hand, and made the AI Scrin on Brutal AI, on Guerilla. Ok when you start quickly build a power plant and 3 Hand of Nods, you might only need 2 but i made a 3rd just in case. Now start creating like 30 Confessor Cabal in one Hand of Nod and in the other Militant Rocket Squad. Ok once youve got atleast 2 squads of Cabal, send one group to the north and one to the west just to make sure the AI isnt at one of those and if there not then it only leads down to one spot. Now keep producing both rapidly and when you get a pretty huge size army of foot soilders, set them in aggressive mode and double click to the spot were the AI should be, and they should just plow over anything thats gets in there way."