Titan Quest
22.07.2006 10:28, Marcel Kleffmann

Details zum nächsten Patch

Auf der Fansite  "Titan Quest Vault" sind weitere Details zum nächsten Patch ans Tageslicht gekommen. Das Update befindet sich gerade in der Testphase und soll (wenn die Tests problemlos verlaufen) in der nächsten Woche unters Volk gebracht werden. Zur Behebung der teils häufigen Abstürze wird der Patch einen Crash-Log-Generator einführen, der die Absturzursachen aufzeichnen soll.


- Fixed NPC dialogue fading when bumped by pets
- Fixed crash when loading a custom map in-game that contains a sheep herder
- Fixed a word wrap error in monster and NPC name dialogs that appears in some languages
- Changed mouse input to swap left and right buttons when the option is selected in Windows
- Implemented logging system to track crashes in Titan Quest(tm). Upon a crash, Titan Quest(tm) will create a log file named "Exceptions.txt" in the My Games\Titan Quest directory.


- Fixed crashes and graphical corruptions related to low video memory
- Fixed a 'Fatal Error' message appearing when the game is booting up after the update process on a system with a Mobility(tm) Radeon® 9200
- Improved video memory test to correctly identify 128 MB ATI Radeon® x300 and ATI Mobility(tm) Radeon® 9200 cards
- Fixed graphic elements becoming corrupted when running NVIDIA® 6600 series card over a long period of time


- Fixed slow down in gameplay due to large amounts of player chat
- Fixed items being lost in the trade window if the server shuts down while the trade window is open


- Portal selection with the portal link tool can now be selected from the front and the back. Previously some portals required 180 degree rotation to be selected.
- Portal status colors will now render properly with the portal link tool
- Impassable terrain and sector layers will now be visible when using ATI cards
- Fixed issue where building the mini-maps could discard unsaved work
- Fixed the sector layer list not properly updating when deleting a sector type
- Fixed system modal dialogs showing up behind the Editor window


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