von Marcel Kleffmann,

Half-Life (dt.) - Patch Detail

In den nächsten Wochen sollen gleich zwei neue Half-Life (dt.) Patches fertiggestellt werden. Die ReadMe-Datei zum zweiten Patch auf Version steht auch schon bereit. Valve beabsichtigt nicht nur den Wall-Hack zu unterbinden, sondern noch eine Sprachübertragung, sowie einen Zuschauer-Modus einzubauen. Diese Verbesserungen sind nicht auf das Hauptprogramm beschränkt und funktionieren auch bei allen Mods.

Dieses ist die ReadMe-Datei über denHalf-Life (dt.) Patches Allerdings ist das Update noch nicht fertig und Änderungen können noch durchgeführt werden.

Half-Life Version
Update Readme

Feature Additions in this Update:
- Spectator proxy added for all mods.
- Voice communication added for all mods.

Bug Fixes in this update:

- Reduced maximum speed that can be obtained using "bunny-hopping"
- Fixed problem with launcher strings being cut off "View Game Info" and "Visit Web Site"
- Fixed a bug where one client could crash the others on a server by changing his name to invalid characters
- Added server chat to the items logged by the engine
- Put quotes around client->name in "status" and "stat" outputs
- Fixed a bug where some players would appear with white skins.
- Added caltrop grenade to the items being logged in TFC
- Fixed players taking a flag, reconnecting, and still appearing with the flag in TFC
- Fixed spy bug where spy could show the scout´s skin even after undisguising in TFC
- Added the Tell command to the items being logged on the TFC server
- Put range checking on the "detstart" command (max is 50 seconds) in TFC
- Added code to remove a detpack if it´s blocking a door in TFC
- Added code to remove a dispenser if it´s blocking a door in TFC
- Added code to remove a sentry gun if it´s blocking a door in TFC
- Fixed feigned spies changing teams and not being able to crouch until after they die in TFC
- Fixed TFC players priming a grenade, switching teams and killing their old teammates with the grenade that was dropped when they changed teams
- Fixed bug where feigned spy shows a weapon in his hand in TFC

Quelle: SpyFX


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