Mass Effect 3
22.02.2012 11:12, Marcel Kleffmann

Erstes DLC-Paket am Verkaufstag

Auf dem Xbox 360 Marktplatz war für kurze Zeit der erste Downloadinhalt für Mass Effect 3 (ab 3,99€ bei kaufen) zu sehen und im offiziellen Forum hat BioWare das DLC-Paket zugleich bestätigt. Die Download-Erweiterung soll den Titel "From Ashes" tragen und sich thematisch mit den Protheanern beschäftigen. Es wird wohl ein protheanisches Squadmitglied geben und eine Mission soll sich um die Vergangenheit eben dieser Spezies drehen. Als Preis wurden 800 Microsoft-Punkte (ca. 630 MB) angegeben. Weitere Details sollen noch in dieser Woche folgen.

"From Ashes" soll am Veröffentlichungstag (08. März 2012) von Mass Effect 3 auf allen Plattformen zur Verfügung stehen. Besteller der 'N7 Collector's Edition' und der 'PC Digital Deluxe Edition' erhalten diesen DLC-Inhalt kostenlos.

"Unearth lost secrets from the past and recruit the Prothean squad member in Mass Effect 3: From Ashes. (...) We're happy to confirm that Mass Effect 3: From Ashes DLC will be available at launch for all platforms. For those of you who have purchased the N7 Collector's Edition (including the PC Digital Deluxe Edition), you will get this content at no extra charge. We'll have a lot more details for you later this week! Stay Tuned!"

"'From Ashes' includes the Prothean squad mate, an adventure on Eden Prime, a new weapon, and an alternate appearance for every squad mate. Note that these alternate appearances are in addition to the ones already advertised in the CE.

-The Collectors Edition has been advertised from the beginning as containing a bonus character/mission, but we were not at liberty to provide the details. The Prothean is optional content that is certainly designed to appeal to long-time fans, which is why he is part of the CE offering (the version many fans would be likely to purchase).  Mass Effect 3 is a complete – and a huge game - right out of the box.

-The content in 'From Ashes' was developed by a separate team (after the core game was finished) and not completed until well after the main game went into certification." (Quelle: BioWare-Forum )


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