XCOM: Enemy Unknown
05.01.2012 15:18, Julian Dasgupta

Strategietitel von Firaxis

Als 2K Games vor zwei Jahren eine Rückkehr zur XCOM-Marke ankündigte, reagierten Kenner der Serie eher entgeistert: Bei XCOM handelte es sich nämlich um einen von 2K Australia und 2K Marin entwickelten Shooter. Dessen Produktion zudem nicht wirklich reibungslos verlief: Der Release wurde mehrfach verschoben, der Lead-Designer und der Art-Director hatten sich zudem im vergangenen Jahr verabschiedet und ein neues Studio aus dem Boden gestampft.

Wer den Oldie kennt, dürfte allerdings das Cover der neuen Game Informer erfreut zur Kenntnis nehmen: Das Magazin durfte einen ersten Blick auf das von Firaxis (Civilization-Serie) entwickelte XCOM: Enemy Unknown (ab 3,07€ bei kaufen) werfen.

Nicht nur der Name soll an den Serienauftakt erinnern, der in Europa seinerzeit als UFO: Enemy Unknown in den Handel kam: Auch konzeptuell soll sich das Spiel an der Vorlage orientieren. Und so wird im Artikel tatsächlich auch von einem rundenbasierten Kampfgeschehen gesprochen. Die Levels sollen mit zerstörbaren Elementen aufwarten. Mit der Neuauflage von X-COM gehe quasi ein Lebenstraum in Erfüllung, so Firaxis-Präsident Steve Martin.

"We were careful to keep XCOM: Enemy Unknown true to the elements that made X-COM such a revered game while delivering an entirely new story and gameplay experience for both die-hard X-COM fans and newcomers to the franchise."

XCOM: Enemy Unknown wird für PC, PS3 und Xbox 360 entwickelt und soll im kommenden Herbst erscheinen.

Update: Hier noch die englische Pressemitteilung von 2K Games:

2K Games announced today that Firaxis Games, the creative team behind the iconic Sid Meier s Civilization® franchise, is developing XCOM: Enemy Unknown, an action  strategy title that is planned for release in fall 2012. XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be instantly recognizable to fans of the original X-COM, while breaking new ground in strategy games for today s console and Windows PC gamers. With equal emphasis on deep strategy and intense tactical combat, XCOM: Enemy Unknown will place players in control of a secret paramilitary organization called XCOM. As the XCOM commander, players will defend against a terrifying global alien invasion by managing resources, advancing technologies, and overseeing combat strategies and individual unit tactics.

Released in 1993, the original X-COM is widely regarded as one of the best games ever made and has now been re-imagined by the strategy experts at Firaxis Games. XCOM: Enemy Unknown will expand on that legacy with an entirely new invasion story, enemies and technologies to fight aliens and defend Earth. Players will control the fate of the human race through researching alien technologies, creating and managing a fully operational base, planning combat missions and controlling soldier movement in battle. 

It s been a dream of ours to recreate X-COM with our unique creative vision. We re huge fans of the original game and it s a once in a lifetime opportunity to re-envision a game that is as beloved as X-COM, said Steve Martin, president of Firaxis Games. We were careful to keep XCOM: Enemy Unknown true to the elements that made X-COM such a revered game while delivering an entirely new story and gameplay experience for both die-hard X-COM fans and newcomers to the franchise.

To learn more about XCOM: Enemy Unknown, gamers can pick up the latest issue of Game Informer Magazine, which currently has the worldwide exclusive cover story on the title. The story is rich with game details, including gameplay impressions, a first look at four of the alien enemy types, insight into combat strategies and tactics, the new base setup and more.


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