Assassin's Creed 3
29.11.2012 15:20, Julian Dasgupta

Nachfolger mit Koop?

Mit Assassin's Creed III hat Ubisoft die Geschichte rund um Desmond, aber natürlich nicht die Serie selbst abgeschlossen. Wie TGL berichtet, ist die Marketingabteilung des Herstellers schon eifrig dabei, Feedback für einen nächsten Teil einzuholen.

So will Ubisoft dem Vernehmen nach in einer Umfrage von den Teilnehmern wissen, wie groß die Bereitschaft wäre, einen im nächsten Jahr in den Handel kommenden AC-Titel zu erwerben. Auch will der Hersteller wissen, wie interessiert man denn sei an der Möglichkeit, dass ein zweiter Spieler jederzeit der Kampagne beitreten und aushelfen kann. Bis dato waren Umfragen oft zuverlässige Indikatoren geplanter Features - der AC3-Nachfolger kommt also vermutlich mit einem Koop-Element daher.

Update: Die Kollegen von Joystiq haben noch die restlichen Punkte der Umfrage zusammengefasst.

  • Play another game with Connor
  • More wilderness areas to explore outside the cities
  • Ability to continue gameplay experience on tablet/mobile while away from home
  • Playing as a templar
  • Underwater gameplay
  • Ability to share information in-game with friends e.g. solve in-game clues together
  • More naval gameplay (navigation, battles...)
  • Ability to use mobile/tablet as a complementary display to perform some actions or access some info while playing on my console
  • Ability to create my own assassin and customize him
  • More famous historical characters to meet/befriend/fight
  • A new present-day hero (different from Desmond)
  • More assassination missions
  • Playing as a new assassin, in a different historical time period
  • More stealth gameplay sequences
  • Possibility for a friend to join the game in order to help me at any time during the solo mode
  • More gun fighting
  • Deeper storyline connection between solo adventure and multiplayer modes
  • Tracking stats and performance in multiplayer, and the ability to share and compete with others on in-game leaderboards online and/or in a companion app
  • More possibilities to defend yourself against attackers in multiplayer
  • Ability to create my own multiplayer avatar (customize looks, abilities, skills)
  • A deeper team-based multiplayer (guilds, squads that have common objectives, new tools for clan management...)
  • Customization of the multiplayer experience (logos, avatars, objects, team names etc)
  • New multiplayer modes
  • Assassination missions in co-op
  • Additional multiplayer characters with new skill sets
  • Ability to create user-generated content in multiplayer (maps, replay videos)
  • A spectator mode in multiplayer
  • A co-op split-screen mode
  • PvP mode with melee fighting and hand-to-hand combat
  • Co-op story missions (two to four players)


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