von Marcel Kleffmann,

Wasteland 2 Director's Cut - Erster PC-Patch

Wasteland 2 (Taktik & Strategie) von inXile Entertainment / Deep Silver
Wasteland 2 (Taktik & Strategie) von inXile Entertainment / Deep Silver - Bildquelle: inXile Entertainment / Deep Silver
Für den Director's Cut von Wasteland 2 steht der erste PC-Patch zum Download bereit. Das knapp 450 MB große Update entfernt einige Bugs, verbessert die Balance (u.a. bei Perks und Quirks) und sorgt für die Unterstützung des Steam-Controllers. Verbessert wurde ebenfalls die Lokalisierung bzw. die Übersetzung - auch eine türkische Variante wurde hinzugefügt.

  • Fixed companions not spawning correctly at HQ after dismissing them.
  • Fixed disappearing Perks on companions after dismissing them.
  • Fixed inability to open doors in Ranger Citadel and Ag Center Central Complex after using Examine while playing with a controller.
  • Added Steam Controller support! Select Steam Controller from the Options menu to use it (Steam version only).
  • Export option has been re-added to Character Creation. Look for it on the final step for that specific character you want to export (Select Quirk).
  • Perk and Quirk balance updates and improvements.
Known Issues
  • Some users may notice a memory leak while playing for longer periods of time. This is a known Unity engine bug and will be addressed in a hotfix in the near future.
  • Steam Controller support may not function correctly on some Windows 8, Mac or Linux systems. We are currently investigating this.
  • Fixed companions not spawning correctly at HQ after dismissing them.
  • Fixed disappearing Perks on companions after dismissing them.
  • Fixed inability to open doors in Ranger Citadel and Ag Center Central Complex after using Examine while playing with a controller.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause Precision Strikes with melee attacks to not apply correctly in certain conditions.
  • Fixed a bug with Rangers sometimes running in place when conversation or cutscene stopped them.
  • Fixed a bug where Ranger running animation could stutter when playing with a controller at low framerates.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause killed enemies to respawn if the player manually saved over and loaded the AutoSave slot.
  • Fixed a bug where saving the game was greyed out after fixing the robot arm in the Ag Center Central Basement.
  • Fixed a bug where resetting keybindings to defaults and then customizing them immediately after could result in corrupt keybindings after restarting the game. User Interface
  • Export option has been re-added to Character Creation. Look for it on the final step for that specific character you want to export (Select Quirk).
  • Fixed a bug where male portrait snapshots weren't taking height of the character into account properly. Snapshots should now correctly show the character's face.
  • Fixed a bug where custom portraits would sometimes temporarily disappear from the portrait gallery.
  • Fixed a bug/exploit where Attribute points could be gained or lost permanently with certain status effects.
  • Fixed a bug which could sometimes prevent selecting certain skills in the Skills screen while playing with a controller.
  • Fixed a bug which could sometimes cause the Skills Radial menu to only show Lockpicking as a valid option while playing with a controller.
  • Fixed companion members showing conversation cursor while in the squad.
  • Fixed voice-over lines not playing in some conditions after returning to a location.
  • Conversation voice-over dialog now plays as 2D audio.
  • Bark voice-overs now play as 50/50 2D and 3D so they can be better heard at a distance.
  • Fixed Sniper Rifle reload sound on certain weapons.
  • Added Steam Controller support! Select Steam Controller from the Options menu to use it (Steam version only).
  • Fixed Meson Cannon not properly firing on the player.
  • Fixed Attack of Opportunity melee Perks from interfering with Ambush functionality.
  • Added some more Shovels to vendors throughout the game, just in case the player lost theirs.
  • Added missing Open tooltips to the Highpool Underground doors. Players were missing that the doors could now be opened simply by left-clicking on them.
  • Turned off Investigate Sounds property from the Rodia vendor guards near the gate. This was causing them to run around awkwardly if the player fired weapons nearby.
  • Lucky CON bonus on characters is now saved properly.
  • Fixed a bug where a cutscene sometimes wouldn't end in Temple of Titan the second time you visited Dr. Kyle.
  • Veteran characters are exported correctly on game end.
  • Veteran characters no longer get exported with missing clothes. They were being dealt a certain damage type in the endgame which also just happened to vaporize clothing.
  • Increased the effects of Manic Depressive to +2/-2 to Attributes, to make it a bit more compelling to select.
  • Reduced the effects of Disparnumerophobia to +1/-1 to Attributes.
  • Increased the Applied Force line of Perks slightly.
  • Increased time range for Animal Husbandry effects to take place.
  • Increased Tactical Positioning damage bonus slightly.
  • Increased the Whack-a-Mole bonus to Chance to Hit slightly.
  • Increased the Bomberman bonus to Area of Effect range slightly.
  • Increased the Long Arm bonus to Throw Distance range slightly.
  • Increased the Loose Change drop chance slightly.
  • Increased the bonus granted by Intimidating, Affable and Know-it-All, to make them more compelling to select.
  • Reduced the Improvised Explosives salvage chance slightly.
  • Removed Friendly Fire chance from Master Hunter entirely.
  • Fixed Bandit line of Perks to no longer affect Submachine Guns.
  • Increased the Bandit line of Perks bonus attack chance.
  • Opportunist now shows the correct bonus damage. The text was previously incorrect.
  • Increased the effective range of Opportunist bonus damage slightly.
  • Increased Big Game Hunter and Roboticist bonus damage.
  • Updated the Alarm Disarming line of Perks, Ghost and Quick Reflexes. Ghost is now placed at a lower skill requirement and Quick Reflexes now grants permanent bonus Evasion. This should make them more compelling to take.
  • Removed Conductive flag from Goat Hide Armor, since it's not made out of metal.
  • Improved some old unique weapons so that they are more worthwhile to use.
  • Removed an erroneous 1.2x Field Medic skill multiplier on Mysophobic. The flat bonus healing effects still remain as described.
  • Added Turkish localization. Thank you to Cem Filiz and the Crewals localization team for their kind efforts.
  • Localization updates to in-game text. Thank you to our player community for these improvements.
  • Misc. typo and localization fixes.

Letztes aktuelles Video: Zehn Minuten Spielszenen PS4

Quelle: inXile Entertainment


Leonardo Da Vinci schrieb am
@topic: immer wieder lustig was heutzutage gepfuscht wird, keine ordentliche q&a, weil braucht man ja heutzutage auch nicht mehr, weil es gibt millionen voll trottelige vorbesteller und day-one käufer, da muss man sich nicht wundern, ich rühre ja fast ausschliesslich nur noch neue games an, wenn diese schon mindestens 2 jahre alt sind und evtl. schon ihre kinderkrankheiten überwunden haben, wenn nicht, dann eben nicht... :D
Todesglubsch schrieb am
Appache hat geschrieben:erster patch für welche plattform? als ihc die disk in die PS4 gelegt habe, erwartete mich ein 3,7GB großer patch
Das war der Day One-Patch. Die werden nicht dazugezählt.
Der Konsolenpatch würde übrigens schon bei MS / Sony zur Prüfung liegen und käme bald. Aber kein Wort davon, ob man der Konsole ein paar zusätzliche Charakterportäts spendiert. Das, was aktuell drin ist, ist ja echt nicht brauchbar.
Sid6581 schrieb am
DextersKomplize hat geschrieben:Bin ich eigentlich der Einzige dem es langsam saumäßig auf den Keks geht das man eigentlich kein Spiel mehr spielen kann, ohne zu wissen, das in x Tagen/Wochen/Monaten noch zig Patches kommen bis das Ding endlich mal fertig ist?
Ich habe mich inzwischen daran gewöhnt. Fallout 4 ist für Weihnachten geplant. 2016. Betatesten dürfen andere für mich. Und es geht ja nicht nur um Bugs, alleine was da teilweise noch an Features nachgereicht wird, von DLCs und Mods wollen wir ja gar nicht reden.
johndoe724410 schrieb am
erster patch für welche plattform? als ihc die disk in die PS4 gelegt habe, erwartete mich ein 3,7GB großer patch
Scorpyfizzle schrieb am
DextersKomplize hat geschrieben:Bin ich eigentlich der Einzige dem es langsam saumäßig auf den Keks geht das man eigentlich kein Spiel mehr spielen kann, ohne zu wissen, das in x Tagen/Wochen/Monaten noch zig Patches kommen bis das Ding endlich mal fertig ist?
Spitzenreiter in der Kategorie ist Divinity: OS. Tolles Spiel, aber nach Release gefühlt jeden zweiten Tag ein Update. Nun ist die Enhanced draussen, was kommt paar Tage später? Wieder nen Update. Und ich sage mir immer, "warte bis das Spiel fertig ist" ... nun, sie werden aber nie fertig :cry:
Geht mir ähnlich, ich hab die Release-Version von Wasteland 2 fast durch gehabt bevor mir gegen Ende Bugs die Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten genommen haben (Quests konnten teilweise nur auf eine Möglichkeit gelöst werden, manche überhaupt nicht ...) und jetzt warte ich auf eine möglichst fehlerfreie Version vom Director's Cut um einen neuen Durchgang zu starten ohne auf Probleme zu stoßen. Da warte ich aber lieber wohl noch einen Monat oder zwei ...
schrieb am