Space Hulk: Deathwing
15.12.2016 21:40, Marcel Kleffmann

Nutzer berichten über Bugs, Performance-Probleme und Verbindungsabbrüche

Die kurze Verschiebung von Space Hulk: Deathwing (ab 16,76€ bei kaufen), um nach dem Betatest noch einige Fehler zu beheben und die technische Grundlage des Shooters zu verbessern (siehe unten), scheint nicht ausgereicht zu haben. Auf Steam berichten diverse Spieler über Verbindungsabbrüche im Mehrspieler-Modus, allerlei Performance-Probleme, Übersetzungsfehler, KI-Macken und diverse Bugs - andererseits wird vielfach die düstere und dichte Atmosphäre gelobt. Die Nutzer-Reviews bei Steam sind derzeit "ausgeglichen" (48 Prozent von 1.614 Nutzer-Reviews sind "positiv").

"Here are some of the highlights with regards to bug-fixes and improvements in the release version:

  • Much faster loading times
    • Loading times are reduced by rougly 40-50% on average.
  • • Huge performance increase
    • The game should run more smoothly in most situations across all hardware.
  • Crash Fixes & Massive debug
    • The vast majority of crashes and bugs from the Beta have been fixed.
  • GUI improvements
    • The GUI has been updated according to Beta players' feedback.
  • Balancing
    • Changes regarding some multiplayer classes and difficulty values.
  • Localization improvements & debugging
    • Localization is almost final. Added some indications on the tutorial keybinds.
  • SFX Iteration
    • Belial and Librarian voices have been updated according to Beta players' feedback.
  • Controller debugging
    • Controllers aren't officially supported at release. Controllers previously corrupted keybindings. This is no longer the case, and the controller mapping has been updated. We're not 100% satisfied yet with controller support, and we strongly advise you to play with keyboard and mouse for now.
  • New Optional Multiplayer Game Mode: Codex Rules
    • Class change during mission disabled.
    • Equipment changing during mission disabled.
    • Progression and XP system deactivated, with access to all equipment unlocked from the start.
    • All skills and equipment are unlocked from the start.
    • Respawn is limited."


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