von Marcel Kleffmann,

Magicka - Patch steht bereit

Magicka (Arcade-Action) von Paradox Interactive
Magicka (Arcade-Action) von Paradox Interactive - Bildquelle: Paradox Interactive

Für Magicka (ab 7,99€ bei kaufen) steht ein Update bereit, das automatisch runtergeladen werden sollte, wenn ihr Steam (neu) startet. Der Patch behebt mehrere Absturzursachen und schraubt zudem an der Balance bzw. dem Schwierigkeitsgrad.

-Fixed Move orders such as the one in Chapter 12 (For real this time).
-Fixed trigger ID sync over network (Should fix Chapter 7 crash).
-Fixed uninitialized AI crashing.
-Fixed crashes due to messages arriving early in high latency games.
-Fixed Vlad incorrect clothes in Chapter 3.
-Fixed server list bug, which caused users to connect to wrong game.
-Fixed joining a password protected game through steam overlay.
-Fixed falling damage not working properly.
-Fixed "OMG they killed yellow.." achievement awarded when killing purple (Good theory on the LA Lakers)
-Improved disconnect notice.
-Improved damages over network.
-Improved cut scene skip in early Chapter 1.
-Improved chat position.
-Improved challenge level selection indicator.

-Added Checkpoint to the party in Chapter 1
-Added missing boss titles in Chapter 1 and 12.
-Balanced Dwarf Priests (Swedish Chef Brigade); is now more difficult.
-Balanced Chapter 9 boss; is now more difficult.
-Balanced Chapter 12 boss; is now more difficult.

Known Issues
-Beam spells merging sometimes crashes game with stack overflow (for real)
-Self-shields sometimes get out of sync
-Players are still able to have too many summons (Changed because of community feedback)
-Server list sorting not implemented
-Network congestion on high ping (>400ms) connections still problematic.
-Game stutters slightly on some systems despite good performance (cause known, fix pending)
-Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion
-Game sometimes hogs uplink bandwidth - (Being researched)
-"Too fancy for fireballs" achievement is sometimes not awarded
-Quitting the game while the credits are rolling will not award a game complete.
-Mouse outside screen in full screen with multiple monitors will minimize the game.

Fixed issues/bugs
-UPnP will no longer crash the game.
-Lack of playable avatar will no longer crash the game.
-Improved reports on disconnect and connection failed.
-Game crash on startup due to old gamer with long name fixed.
-Game terminates properly on crash.
-Save data wipe bug on multiplayer disconnect fixed.
-Boss crashes in Chapter 6 and 12 fixed.
-Servers limited to 4 simultaneous steam users.
-Players that have not selected a slot when the game starts is kicked.
-Server browser no longer displays games of a different version.
-Version miss match check.
-No longer possible to bounce between islands in Chapter 6
-Fixed interrupted dialog from Vlad in Chapter 6.
-Fixed trigger sequence in Chapter 9.
-Chapter 12 boss damage texture added.
-Fixed a bug where a client was locked in an animation.
-Delayed message from steam no longer forces player into game.
-Challenges are now playable using the French version

New features/balancing
-Added version number in menu.
-Added server password. (player requested feature)
-Default undie-time changed to 0.5s (Staff of the Dead)

Known Issues
-Beam spells merging sometimes crashes game with stack overflow (for real)
-Chat still awkwardly positioned.
-Self-shields sometimes get out of sync
-Players are still able to have multiple summons
-Server list sorting not implemented
-Network congestion on high ping (>400ms) connections still problematic.
-Game stutters slightly on some systems despite good performance (cause known, fix pending)
-Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion
-Game sometimes hogs uplink bandwidth - (Being researched)

Quelle: Steam


Azurech schrieb am
mootality hat geschrieben:ich benutze seit 10 jahren ne marble trackball maus von logitech, und kam damit bisher wunderbar zurecht. Spiele wo man seine tasten nichteinmal belegen kann wie magicka oder ruse sind einfach nur banane.
dann darf man sich aber nicht beschweren :) 10 Jahre alte Maus -> selbst Schuld^^
profile_1842269541306 schrieb am
Klingt lustig. :lol: Für dein Problem gibts aber bestimmt Programme, wenn dein Treiber das schon nicht unterstützt. Ich hab mir etwa auch die gesamte Steuerung komplett auf die Maus geschmissen. ;p Mausrad ist nicht wichtig.
mootality schrieb am
ich benutze seit 10 jahren ne marble trackball maus von logitech, und kam damit bisher wunderbar zurecht. Spiele wo man seine tasten nichteinmal belegen kann wie magicka oder ruse sind einfach nur banane.
Scorcher24_ schrieb am
mootality hat geschrieben:ich hab weder ne maus mit 3 tasten noch nen mausrad.. :cry:
Sorry, aber.. :ugly:?
Entschuldige, aber kein Mausrad? Hast Du nen 286 oder so? Nicht böse sein, aber mich wundert das grade sehr. Heute kriegt man doch ne 5 Tasten Maus mit Rad und Laser gradezu nachgeworfen...
mootality schrieb am
ich hab weder ne maus mit 3 tasten noch nen mausrad.. :cry:
schrieb am
ab 7,99€ bei