29.01.2011 10:26, Marcel Kleffmann

Patch steht bereit

Für Magicka (ab 7,99€ bei kaufen) steht ein Update bereit, das automatisch runtergeladen werden sollte, wenn ihr Steam (neu) startet. Der Patch behebt mehrere Absturzursachen und schraubt zudem an der Balance bzw. dem Schwierigkeitsgrad.

-Fixed Move orders such as the one in Chapter 12 (For real this time).
-Fixed trigger ID sync over network (Should fix Chapter 7 crash).
-Fixed uninitialized AI crashing.
-Fixed crashes due to messages arriving early in high latency games.
-Fixed Vlad incorrect clothes in Chapter 3.
-Fixed server list bug, which caused users to connect to wrong game.
-Fixed joining a password protected game through steam overlay.
-Fixed falling damage not working properly.
-Fixed "OMG they killed yellow.." achievement awarded when killing purple (Good theory on the LA Lakers)
-Improved disconnect notice.
-Improved damages over network.
-Improved cut scene skip in early Chapter 1.
-Improved chat position.
-Improved challenge level selection indicator.

-Added Checkpoint to the party in Chapter 1
-Added missing boss titles in Chapter 1 and 12.
-Balanced Dwarf Priests (Swedish Chef Brigade); is now more difficult.
-Balanced Chapter 9 boss; is now more difficult.
-Balanced Chapter 12 boss; is now more difficult.

Known Issues
-Beam spells merging sometimes crashes game with stack overflow (for real)
-Self-shields sometimes get out of sync
-Players are still able to have too many summons (Changed because of community feedback)
-Server list sorting not implemented
-Network congestion on high ping (>400ms) connections still problematic.
-Game stutters slightly on some systems despite good performance (cause known, fix pending)
-Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion
-Game sometimes hogs uplink bandwidth - (Being researched)
-"Too fancy for fireballs" achievement is sometimes not awarded
-Quitting the game while the credits are rolling will not award a game complete.
-Mouse outside screen in full screen with multiple monitors will minimize the game.

Fixed issues/bugs
-UPnP will no longer crash the game.
-Lack of playable avatar will no longer crash the game.
-Improved reports on disconnect and connection failed.
-Game crash on startup due to old gamer with long name fixed.
-Game terminates properly on crash.
-Save data wipe bug on multiplayer disconnect fixed.
-Boss crashes in Chapter 6 and 12 fixed.
-Servers limited to 4 simultaneous steam users.
-Players that have not selected a slot when the game starts is kicked.
-Server browser no longer displays games of a different version.
-Version miss match check.
-No longer possible to bounce between islands in Chapter 6
-Fixed interrupted dialog from Vlad in Chapter 6.
-Fixed trigger sequence in Chapter 9.
-Chapter 12 boss damage texture added.
-Fixed a bug where a client was locked in an animation.
-Delayed message from steam no longer forces player into game.
-Challenges are now playable using the French version

New features/balancing
-Added version number in menu.
-Added server password. (player requested feature)
-Default undie-time changed to 0.5s (Staff of the Dead)

Known Issues
-Beam spells merging sometimes crashes game with stack overflow (for real)
-Chat still awkwardly positioned.
-Self-shields sometimes get out of sync
-Players are still able to have multiple summons
-Server list sorting not implemented
-Network congestion on high ping (>400ms) connections still problematic.
-Game stutters slightly on some systems despite good performance (cause known, fix pending)
-Steam attempts to install XNA framework every time game is launched or rare occasion
-Game sometimes hogs uplink bandwidth - (Being researched)


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