von Marcel Kleffmann,

Team Fortress 2: Weiterer Patch

Team Fortress 2 (Shooter) von EA Games
Team Fortress 2 (Shooter) von EA Games - Bildquelle: EA Games
Sobald ihr euch bei Steam einloggt, wird automatisch ein Patch für Team Fortress 2 runtergeladen. Neben einigen Änderungen an der Karte "Well" ist vor allem an der Grafik-Performance geschraubt worden:

Team Fortress 2
  • Added an option in the Options->Multiplayer dialog to filter custom game files being downloaded from servers
  • Fixed cases where ragdolls were falling through the world
  • Graphics optimizations for mid and low end hardware
  • Fixed players blocking doors in Well
  • Fixed engineer building in exploit areas on final caps in Well
  • Increased starting round timer to 10 minutes in Well


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