Stronghold 3
19.11.2011 14:03, Marcel Kleffmann

Patch mit Schwierigkeitsgraden

Die Großbaustelle Stronghold 3 (ab 10,10€ bei kaufen) nimmt offenbar (sehr) langsam Form an, denn die Entwickler haben wieder einen Patch veröffentlicht. Das Update fügt diesmal drei Schwierigkeitsgrade (Easy, Normal und Hard) und den "King of the Hill" Multiplayer-Modus hinzu. Darüber hinaus wurden diverse Absturzursachen und Bugs behoben.

  • 3 difficulty levels have been added. Easy, Normal and Hard. Some of the changes affect food consumption rates, along with troop numbers depending on the campaign you are playing.
  • New Multi-player mode King of the Hill added.
  • Several Exit game crashes fixed. This may still occur very occasionally.
  • Animals will no longer count as enemies and therefore no longer block building placement.
  • Added the ability to make buildings rotate by 45 degrees. Hold down CTRL when a building is selected and scroll the mouse wheel.
  • Sound system cache uses far less memory, which therefore means Stronghold 3 uses less overall.
  • Path finding on top of repaired walls should now function correctly.
  • Damaged walls repair correctly after loading a save.
  • Scroll wheel should now reveal all screen resolutions in the graphics options rather than having to pull slider down.
  • Several Crashes resolved.
  • Various small bug fixes.


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