Star Citizen
23.12.2013 09:37, Marcel Kleffmann

35 Mio. erreicht: "Information Runner" freigeschaltet

Mittlerweile hat das Crowdfunding-Phänomen Star Citizen auch die Marke von 35 Millionen Dollar durchbrochen - bisher zählt das Projekt 335.170 Unterstützer. Daher wird der fünfte und letzte (von der Community gewählte) Schiffstyp seinen Weg ins Spiel finden und zwar der "Information Runner".

"Drake Herald: Knowledge is power, and one of the most valuable commodities is pure information: the 1s and 0s behind everything from UEC ledgers to Citizenship ratings. Whether it’s colonists struggling to stay in contact with the UEE’s central worlds or criminals trading in illicit data, there will always be a need to securely move data. The Drake Herald, small, armored ship, is designed to fit that need and safely get that information from Point A to Point B. Featuring a powerful central engine (for high speed transit and generating the power needed for effective data encryption/containment), advanced encryption software and an armored computer core, the Herald is unique among personal spacecraft in that it is designed to be easily ‘cleaned’ when in danger of capture. The Herald includes an array of heavy duty internal options for data protection, including redundant power subsystems and EMP shielding, and a high-powered broadcast array for data transmission."

Die nächsten fünf Zusatzziele (36 bis 40 Mio.) sollen jeweils ein neues Sternensystem bringen und die Community kann abstimmen, wie die Sektoren aussehen sollen. Bei 36 Mio. wird das Tamsa System mit einem "Schwarzen Loch" versprochen und bei 37 Mio. soll mit dem "Tanga System" ein Weltraum-Friedhof folgen.

"Tanga System: At the heart of an unusual rectangular planetary nebula (see reference), lies Tanga System. The inner planets engulfed the star entered the red giant phase. The expanded habitable zone unfroze a small world on the former outer ring and for several hundred million years made it habitable. Life began to emerge and was just reaching a primitive state when the star collapsed into a white dwarf, throwing the planet back into a deep freeze, then blasting the atmosphere away with the resulting planetary nebula. That’s how the system was found: Only two worlds (speculation that there could have been three to four more) but both are dead planets with no atmosphere."


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