Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
03.11.2006 16:24, Marcel Kleffmann

Erste Patch-Pläne

Raphael Colantonio, Chef von den Arkane Studios, hat den ersten Patch für Dark Messiah of Might & Magic angekündigt und sich zugleich für einige Bugs sowie technische Probleme entschuldigt . Insbesondere ein Problem mit den Audio- und Precache-Dateien soll aus der Welt geschafft werden (ähnlich wie beim Release von Half-Life 2).

Zusätzlich wird der erste Patch (für Steam und die normale Verkaufsversion) diverse Verbesserungen am Singleplayer-Modus vornehmen und die Mehrspieler-Partien auf Vordermann bringen. Weiterführende Informationen zum Releasetermin oder den Singleplayer-Veränderungen haben sich die Entwickler nicht entlocken lassen, aber einige Multiplayer-Changes haben sie verraten:

MP Update 1.01 changes and bug fixes

- "Can't find background image materials/console/startup_loading.vtf error:' Due to incorrect registry key setting for Steam language, now fixed

- ¾ Loading Progression lockup: Fixed

- Loading bar: Now displays progress information

- Remembering skills on disconnect: When a player reconnects to a server the game should return him to his previous level. This will not work across campaigns (new campaign wipes all skills).

- Scoreboard fonts: Changed the scoreboard to ensure it displays 32 players even at low officially unsupported resolutions (e.g. 640x480)

- Main Menu: We have made sure the main menu displays even at low resolutions (e.g. 640x480)

- Battle Begins Message Flicker: Fixed

- Backstab improvements: We have made yet more improvements to the backstab system, making it smoother to trigger and preventing 'lockup' situations

- Assassin cloak / capture points: Now the action of taking a point is considered an 'aggressive' act and will de-cloak an assassin

- Stoneskin damage change: Stoneskin now lasts less long on priestesses than other characters. Stoneskin will slow a staff user's attacks down while stoneskinned.

- Leaping attack bug fixed: Knights will need to have a minimum speed before Leap Attack is triggered.

- Nvidia antialiasing code: Prevents users selecting an antialiasing mode their card does not support

- Alt-Tab is now re-enabled: This is officially unsupported and the users' mileage will vary depending on drivers/cards etc.

- Windowed Mode: Entering a command line parameter of "-window" will enable the game to be played in a window.

- "-width" will specify a standard resolution (such as -width 800 for 800x600): Again, this is officially unsupported and mileage will vary!

- Game Servers in Steam Browser: Should now be visible in the standard out-of-game server browser


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