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Spieletipps: Fragen und Antworten zu Infinite Undiscovery

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  1. Frage
  2. 31.01.2011 - Frage von Shurik90
    Also ich hab mir unter 4players die Komplettlösung für das Schloss durchgelesen. Aber es dauert viel zu lange um alle Schlüssel zu bekommen. Müssen die Soldaten die befreit wurden überleben oder ist das egal?? Wenn sie überleben müssen dann schafft man erst recht nicht, weil mit Eduard macht man den letzten Schlüssel und wenn man zurück rennt dann folgen die Soldaten einem wieder und man muss sich dann wieder druchkämpfen das dauert viel zu lange.
    Meine erste Frage: Müssen die befreiten Soldaten überleben??
    Zweite Frage: Wo genau ist Zelle 1 und 2??
    Und kann mir da jemand für diesen Erfolg noch ein paar Tipps geben. Danke im Voraus!
  3. 1 Antwort:
  4. claudiaca
    Antwort von claudiaca
    Dieser Erfolg hat mir auch einige Kopfschmerzen bereitet, da für den Erfolg natürlich alle Soldaten bzw. befreiten Gefangenen überleben müssen (was ja Sinn der Sache ist), aber egal, was ich gemacht habe, immer wurde einer getötet, sobald ich mich der Tür genähert habe.
    Die Schlüssel zu besorgen ist eine Sache, die Reihenfolge, in der die Zellen geöffnet werden müssen, eine andere. Und eines noch: die Soldaten, die du auf den anderen Ebenen begegnest, solltest du natürlich nicht bekämpfen - sofern möglich; das dauert viel zu lange.

    Nach langer Suche im Netz habe ich mich damals an diese Vorgehensweise gehalten, welche auch funktioniert - ich wünsche dir viel Erfolg:

    After many times of experimenting, I have finally found out how to do it.

    I believe the way to do this is the order of the cells you have to open:
    Please consider the cells i'm going to number. As you turn to your left as you reach the T junction, you will see your first cell to your right. Lets say this is cell #1. As you walk further up, you will see another cell also to your right, which is cell #2.

    As you progress along, you will see yet another 2 cells, which will be cell #3 and lastly, cell #4 which is right at the end.

    Now, to do this, the numbered cells have to be opened in order accordingly:


    I'm still unsure if time is a factor in this achievement but rest assured, I took the time to beat some soldiers/enemies because they were in my way.

    Now, for you people who don't know how to get all 4 keys, here's the list below to tell you how to get them.

    Key #1: Turn to your left at the corridor where all the cells are and defeat the first solider that stops and attacks you. He will drop a key. Be sure to pick it up because it will only appear on the ground for 5 seconds.

    Key #2: Turn right at the T junction instead of left to reach the cells where the prisoners are held captive. Ignore the first 2 cells which the doors have seemingly been blown off. Turn the corner. Half way through running straight, there will be a path that goes to your left. Take that left and head into the empty cell where you will find key #2 in a chest.

    Key #3: Be sure to by a Sunstone from Genma to make life easier. As you make your way to the first dark corridor, use the sunstone. Be sure not to be killed or your sunstone will disappear. Destroy the third stone gargoyle to reveal a mouse hidden in the alcove. Connect with Rico and then talk to the mouse. The mouse will hand over a cell key.

    Key #4: To get key #4, you need to get Edward into your party. Make your way all the way to the top of the castle until you get a cutscene. When Edward arrive in your party, use item creation to make a cell key. To make this cell key, you need 2 things:
    1x metal fragment
    1x marble

    To get the marble, it is hidden in an invisible chest. To find this chest, there should be a cell somewhere above the floors. You will know if it's the right cell because it's the only cell that's on the higher levels and it contains many boxes and other apparel. Go behind the boxes and play your flute that reveals hidden items. You will know its the right place as you can hear a strange nosie and wavy background.

    My method of getting this achievement:

    I'll be brief, this is how I got it:

    1) Get key #1. Open cell #2
    2) Get key #2. Open cell #1
    3) Get key #3. Open cell #4
    4) Get key #4. Open cell #3