Publisher: TDK Mediactive
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Spieletipps: Fragen und Antworten zu Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade

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Hier die TOP-5-Beantworter der laufenden und vergangenen Woche:

  1. Frage
  2. 26.07.2008 - Frage von StealVirus
    Rätsel mit den goldenen Drehscheiben
    Hallo, ich hänge an dem Rätsel in dem mann die goldenen Scheiben richtig drehen muss, damit sich die nächste Tür öffnet. KAnn mir jemand die Antwort sagen?
  3. 1 Antwort:
  4. Shard of Truth
    Antwort von Shard of Truth
    Hier mal der Auszug aus einer englischen Lösung. Ist damit überhaupt das richtige Rätsel gemeint?

    The valves on the right rotate the wheels.
    The right one rotates the outer and the inner wheels.
    The left one rotates the wheel in the middle.
    Get the three symbols displayed below in one line by doing as followed:

    / \/ \ \ | / / \
    | | | \ | / | |
    | | | \|/ \____/
    | | | / /|\ ||
    \__/ / | \ ---||---
    / | \ ||

    The M like symbol is located on the outer wheel,
    the middle symbol is located on the inner wheel and
    the final symbol is loacted on the middle wheel.
    Take notice that there are two symbols like the final symbol,
    you need to get the symbol with white background in the line.
    Rotate the right wheel until the M like symbol and
    the middle symbol get in on line,
    there is only one place they can get in one line.
    Then rotate the left wheel and get the last symbol
    with the white background in its place,
    puzzle solved.