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  1. Frage
  2. 24.11.2009 - Frage von Pipo20
    Brauche bitte informationen im welchen Level man die erfolge kriegt
    Finde den perfekten Ausblick auf die Paradiesfälle.

    Schlage 10 Wassermelonen auf.

    Benutze Carl Haus, um über alle Abgründe im Spiel zu fliegen.

    Benutze Dug, um alle versteckten Knochen auszugraben.

    Befreie deinen Begleiter aus fünf Fallen.

    Schalte die zusätzlichen Mehrspieler-Kampfkarten frei.

    Du hast die verborgene Höhle in "Eine Stimme aus dem Nebel" gefunden

    Du hast zutritt zum Mehrspielermenü erlangt
  3. 1 Antwort:
  4. corleone76
    Antwort von corleone76

    alle in level 7


    starte einfach das mehrspielermenü und du hast den erfolg

    du musst alle sammelkaten erledigen


    immer wenn der hund kommt
    Level 6: 2 Knochen
    Level 7: 3 Knochen
    Level 9: 3 Knochen

    hier noch eine lösung (leider englisch):
    Here is a complete guide to everything in the game in order as to when you can get them. Enjoy!

    I also marked down the ONE missable Kite Badge location as others weren't getting that achievement after completing the game.

    Level 1

    Flying Level - no collectibles during this section.

    Level 2

    1. Memento - After Carl's leaps on the teeter totter rock to get Russell over a jump, Russell pulls Carl up. the Memento is in the bottom right corner of this area.

    2. Bronze Artifact - Seconds after #1 Russell shimmy's across a ledge the Artifact is in plain view.

    3. Silver Artifact - After the first COOP jump there will be a spilt in the road follow the left path and jump up the rock path(to the right of the vine ledge)and the Silver Artifact will be on a ledge.

    4. Gold Artifact - After you knocked down the boulder from the left path, follow the right path, Carl knocks a small rock down. The Gold Artifact is on the lower drop off in plain view.

    Level 3

    1. Bronze Artifact - After pushing a log there will be a bridge that Carl knocks down at the end of this bridge is the Bronze Artifact.

    2. Silver Artifact - There will be some Snare Traps then you will see 2 Porcupines in a cave behind them is the Silver Artifact.

    3. Gold Artifact - There will be an area where you see the house on a cliff, follow forward and there will be 2 mushroom jumps, hold A on the mushrooms to reach the Gold Artifact.

    4. Memento - Once you have freed the house a new path will open to the LEFT(do not go towards the movable rock) follow the left path and it will lead you to the Memento.

    Kite Badge Location - Keep following the Path from the memento for the First Kite Badge Location. (this is the only missable one in the game) To clear confusion, a Kite Location is when you use the house to glide Carl and Russell across a gap.

    Level 4

    Boss Fight - no collectibles during this section.

    Level 5

    1. Bronze Artifact - In the beginning of the level, after pulling Carl up with Russell keep following until you see a rock on the left that is a different shade than the rest of the mountain side, Have Carl push the rock behind here is the Bronze Artifact.

    2. Memento - After tying the house down and Russell knocks a bridge down for Carl, There will be another rock with a different shade on the left have Carl Move this rock to lead to the Memento.

    3. Gold Artifact - After a COOP jump there will be a section with lot of flowers on the ground, some wasps and yellow butterflies, Follow this area to the edge of the cliff, there will be a ledge leading to some small jumps downward and a cave leading to the Gold Artifact. On the way out of the cave you should receive the Excavation Badge(Secret Achievement)

    4. Silver Artifact - There will be an area with 3 Rocks you need to push to continue the artifact is in plain view, move all 3 into their location and it will make a platform to get up to the Silver Artifact.

    Level 6

    Note: Not a collectible, but be sure to smash the fire pit that's next to you as the level starts to get the "Global Citizen Badge"

    1. Bronze Artifact - After the dog hits the button to make the bridge, cross it and you will see a rock with a different shade as usual have Carl move the rock and collect the Bronze Artifact.

    Bone Location: #1 In the same area dig up one of the Dig spots and you should get a bone, note that as soon as the dog finds a bone it will not dig any other spots.

    2. Memento - After crossing the first swim pond and the pirhannas there will be another pond with red butterflies in the back you will see a waterfall, in the waterfall is the Memento.

    3. Silver Artifact - After the Dog Ambush, Russell will pull Carl up a ledge, midway there will be a smashable object containing the Silver Artifact.

    Bone Location #2 - After pulling Carl up after another geyser the dog will join you again, there is a dig spot before the bridge, then after the bridge keep digging until you get the bone.

    4. Gold Artifact - a little further in the level there will be another swimming section where the dog helps Carl with small waterfall drop offs, at the end there is the Gold Artifact behind an electric eel on the right side.

    Level 7

    Watermelon #1 - right next to you as the level starts.

    Watermelon #2 - after the Dog Ambush on the left.

    Watermelon #3 on the left after the Kite Spot.

    Watermelon #4 on the right shortly after(can be hit during the Dog Ambush).

    1. Silver Artifact - After the Dog Ambush it will be at the top end behind some breakable rocks.

    Bone Location #3 - Also after the Dog Ambush when you get the dog back, dig until you dig up the bone.

    Watermelon #5 - Russell needs to cut a vine for Carl to make a coop jump. right after the jump go towards the screen and there will be a small area with the last watermelon

    2. Gold Artifact - in the same area as Watermelon #5, just jump off the mushrooms holding A to reach the Gold Artifact.

    Watermelon #6 - after climbing up to the push rock you will see the watermelon in your path on the right.

    Watermelon #7 - after you drop down from pushing the rock you will see it in your path.

    3. Bronze Artifact - to the left of watermelon #7 in the Red Butterflies.

    Bone Location #4 - Once the dog returns again to help Carl swim, you will be on a path follow it left and dig until you find the bone.

    Watermelon #8 - on the right in this same path.

    4. Memento - in the same area as the Dog Spot there are some rocks to smash that will reveal a small opening the dog can go through, at the other end is the Memento.

    Bone Location #5 - in the same area as the Memento keep digging until you find the bone.

    Watermelon #9 - on the 1st ledge after the water.

    Watermelon #10 - to the right after the Dogs on the Bridge sequence.

    Level 8

    Boss Fight - no collectibles during this section.

    Level 9

    1. Bronze Artifact - as the level starts keep following the cliff until you see the Bronze Artifact spinning in the grass

    2. Silver Artifact - after the swinging vine jump follow the cliff around and behind the rock with a "Carl vine Jump" is the Silver Artifact.

    Bone Location #6 & 7 - inside the cave as soon as the dog returns, dig up the right side until you find the bone, then move over to the left side and dig up another.

    Bone Location #8 - in the 2nd cave after a series of platform jumps, the dog will join you again, kill all the spiders first, then dig for the bone.

    3. Memento - in the section of the cave with the bats everywhere keep following the path all the way to the left until you see the Memento.

    Note: Once outside this cave be sure to go to the cliff side on the left for the "Hiking Badge" Achievement.

    4. Gold Artifact - after getting the Hiking Badge, go all the way right and drop down you will see the Gold Artifact in a small alcove next to a blue mushroom.

    Level 10

    1. Bronze Artifact - in the first room after the dog moves the boxes for Carl, DO NOT GO UP THE RED FLASHING ELEVATOR, go towards the screen and smash some boxes to reveal the Bronze Artifact first. (now you can go up the elevator)

    2. Silver Artifact - after the 2nd lift the dog activates, on the left you will see what looks like plane propellers, do not go left, instead go right and follow it up and round the Silver Artifact will be in your way.

    3. Gold Artifact - in the room where you find Russell in a cage on the far right in a smashable crate is the Gold Artifact.

    Collectible #1 - in the same room where Russell is in the cage, on the left side in what looks like a picture frame, smash it and grab the collectible.

    4. Memento - after Russell and Carl open the door there will be a collectible in front of a big display case they both have to move, its hard to miss.

    Collectible #2 & 3 - Push the case but DO NOT GO LEFT, instead go right and smash the plate on the door to get the collectible and reveal a secret room with yet another collectible, you will also receive the "Rare Statue Badge" Secret Achievement.

    Collectible #4 - after the dog ambush in the room with Kevin in a cage. the last collectible will be in another smashable picture frame.

    Level 11

    The last collectible is part of the story, if you've kept an eye on filling quest cards(collecting bugs), the achievement should pop up at the beginning of Level 11.

    List is 100% complete.