von Jan Wöbbeking,

Hell Let Loose: Realistischer Shooter im Zweiten Weltkrieg auf Kickstarter gestartet

Hell Let Loose (Shooter) von Team17
Hell Let Loose (Shooter) von Team17 - Bildquelle: Team17
Der Zweite Weltkrieg kommt wieder richtig in Fahrt: Nach Call of Duty: WW2 und Battalion 1944 verlegt auch der Multiplayer-Egoshooter Hell Let Loose (ab 38,86€ bei kaufen) die Gefechte an die altbekannten Fronten. Der PC-Titel kann von Entwickler Black Matter ab sofort auf Kickstarter unterstützt werden und legt besonders viel Wert auf Realismus. Bis zu 100 Spieler bekriegen sich zwischen weitläufigen Feldern mit Infanterie, Panzern, Artillerie und einer sich verschiebenden Frontlinie:

"At it’s core is a unique resource-based strategic meta-game that is easy to learn, but hard to master. Built on Unreal Engine 4 for Windows and distributed via Steam, read on to discover why our World War Two title stands apart from the competition: Featuring sweeping 4km² maps, the entire battlefield is divided up into large cap sectors - allowing for emergent and constantly unique gameplay that pits two forces of fifty players in a fight to the death across fields, bridges, forests and towns on an ever-evolving front line. When a sector is captured, it will generate one of three resources for your team, creating a complex meta-game that will influence your team’s march to victory. Do you push to capture the enemy fuel depot, depriving them of the ability to reinforce their vehicles faster? Or do you defend your munitions depot, allowing you to continue a brutal naval bombardment? Do you flank and take several sectors in an effort to starve them of infantry reinforcements? Each decision at every level will affect your team’s fighting power and ability in the field.


"Featuring sweeping 4km2 maps, the battlefield is divided up into large cap sectors - allowing for emergent and constantly unique gameplay that pits two forces of fifty players in a fight to the death across fields, bridges, forests and towns. The first theater of war is the sleepy Norman town of St Marie Du Mont on D-Day 1944 in northern France during Operation Overlord. It features a stunning and detailed 1:1 scale battlefield recreated from archival reference material and satellite photography. Players will organise and muster behind the front lines before carefully pushing forward into the French countryside towards the town. They will need to establish supply lines using logistics vehicles - enabling them to build Garrisons and other spawn locations in the field.



"Play as the commander and decide on the grand strategy as you deploy your forces and adapt to the ever changing situation on the ground. Communicating via radio, it will be up to you to summon reinforcements, supplies and powerful aerial and naval strikes while accurately assessing the situation on the front line.


Establish supply lines of trucks, transport vehicles and armored recovery vehicles. Supplies will allow your forces to construct minefields, defenses, and Garrisons. Failure to supply the front line will result in a devastating collapse.


Play as an Officer and establish Observation Posts and Garrisons before working to determine the best course of attack or defense for your unit. Mark targets with your binoculars to notify the Commander and work together to flank, reinforce, supply and obliterate the enemy."

Ab einer Summe von 33 Australischen Dollar (umgerechnet rund 22 Euro) kommt man an die Early-Access-Fassung, das Finanzierungsziel von 136.000 Australischen Dollar ist 26 Tage vor Kampagnenschluss schon fast erreicht. Hier geht es zur offiziellen Website.

Screenshot - Hell Let Loose (PC)

Screenshot - Hell Let Loose (PC)

Screenshot - Hell Let Loose (PC)

Screenshot - Hell Let Loose (PC)

Screenshot - Hell Let Loose (PC)

Screenshot - Hell Let Loose (PC)

Screenshot - Hell Let Loose (PC)

Quelle: Offizielle Website, Kickstarter


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Hell Let Loose
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