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Spieletipps: Tipps zu Call of Duty: Black Ops

Weitere Befehle für den Computer im Hauptmenü Raum

DOA - Startet den Dead Ops Arcade Modus
3ARC INTEL - Schaltet alle Intel im Spiel frei
3ARC UNLOCK - Schaltet Dead Ops Arcade und Presidential Zombie Modus frei

zork - starts a text-based adventure game on the terminal.
alicia - begins a session with Alicia, your virtual therapist.
help - displays help information
cat or print - prints the contents of a file (.txt, .pic, .snd)

cd [ |.|..|path] - changes the current directory.
cls - clears the screen
dir or ls - displays the contents of the current directory.
decode - decodes an encrypted string using an agency standard cypher
encode - encodes a string using an agency standard cypher
exit - exits the current login session
foobar - displays the string: Fee Fie Foe Foo!
hello sailor - launches ZORK I
login - starts a new login session on the current system
mail - opens the current users mailbox
rlogin [system] - attempts a login session on a remote system. Known remote systems are DREAMLAND and DOD.
who - lists the users who have accounts on the current system

Eingesendet von jetfighter3, vielen Dank.

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