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Patch 1.02 für Mass Effect 2

Changes to 1.02
- Reduced the amount mining time required to acquire all upgrades.
- Fixed an issue where DLC weapon selections would appear blank on the Weapon Loadout screen after removing DLC.
- Fixed an issue where heavy weapon crosshairs sometimes remain on screen after entering a vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where enemies sometimes 'pop-up' onto cover after taking damage.
- Fixed an issue where Grunt's loyalty power sometimes doesn't unlock.
- Fixed an issue where the Squad screen wouldn't update properly after removing the Alternate Appearance Pack #1 DLC.
- Fixed an issue where save games that used DLC while offline could not be loaded.
- Fixed an issue where the active save career would sometimes change after loading saves with unmounted DLC.
- Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash during the Jarrahe mission when using Windows 7 (64-bit).
- Fixed an issue where ammo powers activated by a henchman would sometimes overwrite the players active ammo power.
- Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances, spacebar would not activate objects.
- Fixed an issue where Loading saves while DLC is unmounted will change your active career.
- Fixed an issue where the text for some characters in the keybinding GUI would appear as English in foreign language versions of the game.


Oberdepp schrieb am
Und die nervenden Clipping-Fehler haben sie noch immer nicht behoben. Mir mittlerweile eigentlich auch schon fast egal. Habe es jetzt schon zwei mal durch und werde es wahrscheinlich erst kurz vorm Release des dritten Teiles noch mal durchspielen und dann mit bis dato allen erschienenen DLCs.
SeppoS007 schrieb am
Fixed an issue where Grunt's loyalty power sometimes doesn't unlock.
Wurde aber auch mal Zeit! Habe das Problem nämlich derzeit wieder, hoffe das geht dann endlich mal :?
schrieb am