Publisher: Sony
Erhältlich: Digital (Epic Games Store)
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Heavy Rain
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  1. Frage
  2. 11.05.2010 - Frage von Wille4566
    Trophy Streber
    Hallo Jungs,

    kann mir einer helfen ? Ich hab das Spiel grad zum vierten mal komplett durch und bekomme die Streber Trophy nich...heul.
    Dabei dachte ich hab jetzt alle Hinweise...denn Jayden findet am Ende den Killer anhand der Beweise....komisch vielleich habe ich eine Kleinigkeit übersehen?
    Wäre echt Dankbar für hilfe....

  3. 2 Antworten:
  4. Ikar
    Antwort von Ikar
    Ich war selbst auch erstaunt, dass ich die Trophäe bekommen habe, hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich so fleißig war.
    Hier mal eine Checkliste mit den Sachen, die du machen musst:

    Crime Scene

    - Inside the white tent: The boy's face.

    - Inside the white tent: The orchid on the boy's chest.

    - Inside the white tent: The origami figure in the boy's hand.

    - Inside the white tent: The boy's hand a second time.

    - Inside the white tent: The cut on the boy's leg.

    - Follow the orchid pollen trail.

    - The blood stain on the train tracks.

    - The foot prints next to the train tracks.

    - The blood stain on the fence.

    - Up the hill: The footprints.

    - Up the hill: The tire tracks.

    Mad Jack

    - The three parts of the blood trail leading to the acid bath (don't look in the acid bath just yet).

    - The orchid pollen near the back of the garage.

    - The paint near the back of the garage.

    - The tire tracks near the paint.

    - Mad Jack's fingerprints, footprints, the other tire tracks and the visitor's footprints are optional. They may not be required, but do them just in case.

    Fish Tank

    - You have to win the QTE fight and tear the Origami Killer's coat so the gas station receipts fall out.

    - The gas station receipts.

    - The orchid pollen near the desk.

    - The scattered papers on the floor.

    - The OK's gun near the door.

    - The .45 caliber shell also near the door.

    Solving the Puzzle

    - Go to "Clues".

    - Analyze and geoanalyze the gas station receipts.

    - Analyze the OK's gun.

    - Scroll over to "The Killer is or was a cop" option. Select "Investigate Further".

    - Geoanalyze "The Killer is or was a cop" option.
  5. Wille4566
    Antwort von Wille4566
    DANKE::::::und auf ein fünftes ;-)....danach hab ich die schnauze voll ......hihi