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Spieletipps: Fragen und Antworten zu Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

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Hier die TOP-5-Beantworter der laufenden und vergangenen Woche:

  1. Frage
  2. 07.03.2010 - Frage von ClaudiaM63
    Sonic Sega All Stars Racing Geheime Erfolge
    Ungeheure Ungeheuer
    Benutze Zobio und Zobiko hundert Kreaturen von Curiens Anwesen zurück ins Grab zu schicken.
    Habe es versucht aber schaffe es nicht,wer weiß was man da genau machen muss?
    Rufe das Riesen KapuKapu und verschlinge Big the Cat wer weiß was man da genau machen muss?Und wo das genau ist?

    Danke für die Hilfe!
  3. 2 Antworten:
  4. claudiaca
    Antwort von claudiaca
    Use Zobio and Zobiko to send one hundred Curien Mansion Creatures back to the grave.

    This one?s slightly time-consuming but not too bad. Start a Single Race as Zobio and Zobiko and race on the Outer Forest track. You have to drive through 100 of the zombie characters you see walking around the track. If you boost into them or hit them with weapons you can take them out without taking damage, or you can just drive through them and take them out that way, causing you to spin out too. Because this is a secret achievement you can?t check your progress, but just keep playing that course over and over again and hitting zombies and it should unlock eventually.

    Summon the giant KapuKapu and gobble up Big the Cat for mouse revenge!

    Similar to the Sonic Unleashed achievement, here you have to use the Chu Chu Pilots? All-Star move and make sure you hit Big The Cat with it. Start a Single Race as Chu Chu Pilots on Beginner difficulty and make sure Big is one of the other drivers. If he isn?t, quit to the main menu and start another race until he?s there. Drop to eighth place until you get the Chu Chu Pilots? All-Star move (the icon will show a cat). Catch up with the rest of the pack and get a good distance behind Big, then trigger the All-Star move and hit Big by running into him. If you miss him, the achievement won?t unlock.

  5. Christoph Kringel
    Antwort von Christoph Kringel
    Du musst die Zombies entweder abschießen oder mit Schub/Turbo umfahren. Einfach anrempeln bringt nichts