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  1. Frage
  2. 27.01.2011 - Frage von olly.mono
    Ignition Items in Dead Space 2
    Hallo kann mir bitte mal jemand genau Beschreiben wie ich an diese Items in Dead Space 2 komme ( gegebenfals Video) Danke
  3. 2 Antworten:
  4. johndoe-freename-1472660
    Antwort von johndoe-freename-1472660
    Hacker Suit: Conduit Rooms in Chapter 2, soll es insgesamt 4 Stück geben und in einem ist ein Rezept für Hacker Suit.
    Cutter: im ersten Shop kostenlos zu kaufen

    In der FAQ (von BkStunt_31 und Shadow 571) zum Spiel stand folgende Location, ich hoffe, dass würde dir ungefähr helfen: "Enter the Terrace now and enjoy the view. Enter the left door to find more
    apartements with a guy shouting for you to stay away. Break the box here for
    some goodies (I got the "Romper Stomper" trophy here). Go down the hallway to
    find some health on your right and a text log ("Titan Part I") in the back
    explaining planet-cracking a bit. Head into the elevator where Issac will
    talk with Daina some more, and you'll learn more about Tiedemann and the

    Save at the save station if you wish and you'll hear a baby crying. Aww..
    being a rather new dad, that actually made me sad a bit. Check out the
    apartement on the left for an item and continue on. You'll see a woman die
    past the bars on the right. Further on a necro will jump out of a door on the
    left, so take him down and stomp the nearby box for some goodies. Enter the
    transit station.

    Outside you'll see a creature scuttle up the window, and than a ship will
    explode. Ahead, one of the corpses on the ground will rise up, so shoot it
    back down. A crawler will also appear as well. Gather up the nearby items and
    continue on. There's a Gold Semiconductor on the left hand side of this area
    as well (use telekenises to get it).

    Up ahead on the left is another Conduit room. Here you can find an audio log
    ("Hampered") as well as a [Hacker Suit Schematic] along with various other
    goodies. The gods won't like you coming in here though, as the power will once
    again shut off and you'll have to defend yourself to get it back on.

    It's nowhere near as hard as last time though. Exit the Conduit room and
    you'll meet the exploder necromorphs. These guys have a VERY obvious weak
    spot on one of their arms. They are basically time bombs. Just shoot the big
    yellow spot and they'll explode. Three of them will come at you from the
    escalator area, while the last one will break through the vent near the door
    you need to go through. After killing the first three, run past the escalator
    to kill the last one (he's too close to you at the conduit room)."
  5. uniformskepsis0
    Antwort von uniformskepsis0
    Du kommst eigentlich automatisch zu diesen Räumen. Sie sind nicht versteckt. Steht "Isolationsraum" drüber.
    Hab sie auch gesucht & hatte sie schon längst gefunden.
    Hab aber einige der Ignition Items beim 2. Durchspielen erst bekommen. Keine Ahnung ob das so sein soll....