von Marcel Kleffmann,

Firewatch: Patch für die PS4-Version soll die "Spielerfahrung signifikant verbessern"

Firewatch (Adventure) von Panic Inc.
Firewatch (Adventure) von Panic Inc. - Bildquelle: Panic Inc.
Für die von Performance-Problemen geplagte PS4-Version von Firewatch steht ein Patch zum Download bereit. Das Update soll die "Spielerfahrung signifikant verbessern", da die Bildwiederholrate nach der Installation deutlich stabiler ausfallen soll. Das "Texture Popping" soll durch Verbesserung von Sichtweite sowie Schatten-Rendering verringert worden sein. Zugleich versprechen die Entwickler weitere Patches, die Aktualisierung auf eine kommende Version der Unity-Engine und Untertitel in unterschiedlichen Sprachen.

The full list of fixes is too big to write up here, but here are the things we feel are most important:
  • Draw distance and shadow render distance have been improved, which should remove significant texture popping.
  • Streaming loading and unloading has been significantly adjusted with extra safeties so you should no longer see loading happen right in front of you.
  • We got Unity to fix a very rare hang that could occur when loading and unloading scenes.
  • Many instances of unstable framerate have been improved.
  • Auto-saves are now far less frequent, as they were causing the worst framerate hitches we have been seeing.
  • Several places where people were escaping the world or getting stuck in collision have been refined. Also, if you are stuck in an endlessly falling state, the game will attempt to put you back, either through loading the last save or respawning Henry aboveground.
  • Various cases where you were able to interrupt or break your current quest have been safeguarded.

Letztes aktuelles Video: Video-Test

Quelle: Campo Santo


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Firewatch: Patch für die PS4-Version soll die "Spielerfahrung signifikant verbessern"
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